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Customize labels on X axis

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

I am using Stacked column chart and there on X-axis i am displaying months from JAN to NOV and last column is Budget. I want to display Budget column is something different from months.Presently all months and Budget columns are showing in same color.

How can i differentiate budget from months.

Can any one please help me its urgent.



Accepted Solutions (1)

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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Siva,

It d be easier to solve the problem if you tell how many items/series/legends you have to show in the chart.

From this I understand that you have 3 series-es RAW, WIP, and FG . Budget is another series which you want to show along with this series but you want to differentiate it from the rest series. Is that what you mean?

If so then you can refer my blog



Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Siva Kumar,

You can achieve this by the below method.

1. Add two series for your stacked column chart for two different colors.

2. Map the month names and even 'budget' as x-axis labels.

3. Map series 1 for the months data column and map series 2 for budget data column.

4. In both the columns take equal number of rows but leave budget row as empty in series 1 and leave months rows empty in series 2.

Hope this fulfills your requirement. See the attached image for excel mapping clarification.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Nirupa,

Thanks for the reply. I am already having 3 series with the names RAW WIP and FG. n Stacked column chart and the months are in row wise as you mentioned in column wise. See the attached excel data and chart.

How can i organize my data please explain.


Siva kumar.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Siva Kumar,

If you want 3 different colors in Budget column, then add 3 more series for Budget-RAW, Budget-WIP, Budget-FG. So total there will be 6 series.

Arrange your final data (that you will map to chart) as shown in the screenshot. Hope that fulfills your requirement.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Nirupa,

I have modified the data as you mentioned in excel, but when  i am executing the dashboard Budget column shows empty results.

Can you please check my attached excel data.


Siva kumar.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Siva Kumar,

I have arranged the data in your Excel and attached it. See the last columns (AL to AW) for chart data, map each row of data to each series in your stacked column chart.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Nirupa,

We have 3 filters with the name Business Unit, Currency and legal entity. Based on these filters we are displaying data in dashboard from JAN to OCT and last column Budget is the amount.You have summed all the data. We are not going to display summarized data. Attached the result PDF file.


Siva kumar.