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Customize Group in Smart Table

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Hi Experts,

i am using the smart table , and i want to display only few columns in the group tab in the smart setting dailog , i am currently doing it by removing sortProperty attribute from the customData , But if i remove sortProperty, columns are getting hidden from both Sort and Group option, I need to hide only from the Group tab in the smart control settings, Please help.

<Column hAlign="Left"> <customData> <core:CustomData key="p13nData" value='\{"columnKey": "EVT_DATE","leadingProperty": "EVT_DATE","filterProperty": "EVT_DATE"}'/> </customData> <Text text="{i18n>table_Date}"/> </Column>

<Column hAlign="Left"> <customData> <core:CustomData key="p13nData" value='\{"columnKey": "VEHICLE_NAME","leadingProperty": "VEHICLE_NAME","sortProperty": "VEHICLE_NAME","filterProperty": "VEHICLE_NAME"}'/> </customData> <Text text="{i18n>tableVehicleNameColumnTitle}"/> </Column>

if i remove sortProperty attribute, the columns are hiding from both Sort and Group in the smart control,

Thanks in advance


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Grouping works by sorting the columns so that they are adjacent to each other and can be 'grouped'.

So, if sorting is possible, grouping on those columns should also be possible.

That might be the reason they are bound together with the same property.

Would be interesting to know if someone has the solution.

0 Kudos

Hi Yogesh,

Thank you so much for the reply, and yeah it is interesting and also it will solve my issue 😛 , if some on has a answer for this. 🙂