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Custom CSS does not work when a Theme is selected

Former Member
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Hello all,

I am currently using the "High Contrast Black" theme to set all the text in the Dashboard to be white. The issue is that when I modify the CSS for the CrossTab, nothing happens. Switching it back to the "Platinum" theme, it works as expected. I am currently on DS1.6. My two follow up questions:

1. Is it possible to set the overall text to white instead of black when I am in the "Platinum" theme?

2. Is it possible to change the default CSS for standard components when using themes other than "Platinum"?

CSS Code:

.sapzencrosstab-DataArea, .sapzencrosstab-RowHeaderArea, .sapzencrosstab-HeaderCellDefault,

.sapzencrosstab-ColumnHeaderArea, .sapzencrosstab-Crosstab, .sapzencrosstab-TableDivBackground,

.sapzencrosstab-DataCellAlternating, .sapzencrosstab-HeaderCellAlternating, .sapzencrosstab-DataCellDefault,

.sapzencrosstab-HeaderCellDefault {

    background: transparent !important;


Theme: High Contrast Black - does not work even when appending !important to the end of the code

Theme: Platinum - Works as expected but all the text in the dashboard becomes black



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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Are you using Design Studio 1.6?

First question is yes, see below

.sapzencrosstab-DimensionHeaderArea .sapzencrosstab-HeaderCellDefault, .sapzencrosstab-ColumnHeaderArea .sapzencrosstab-HeaderCellDefault


white-space: normal;

word-wrap: break-word;



I changed the above to High Contrast Black - see below

.sapzencrosstab-DimensionHeaderArea .sapzencrosstab-HeaderCellDefault, .sapzencrosstab-ColumnHeaderArea .sapzencrosstab-HeaderCellDefault


white-space: normal;

word-wrap: break-word;



.sapzencrosstab-RowHeaderArea .sapzencrosstab-HeaderCellTotal, .sapzencrosstab-DataArea .sapzencrosstab-DataCellTotal{

background-color: #9e9e9e;

  background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #9e9e9e, #454545);


It seems to read it OK

I am on Design Studio SP1

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Tammy,

My first question was actually regarding the overall application text color but I won't need to do that anymore, now that I have the background working in High Contrast Black mode.

I originally did this:

.sapzencrosstab-DataArea {

    background: transparent !important;


.sapzencrosstab-RowHeaderArea {

    background: transparent !important;



.sapzencrosstab-HeaderCellDefault {

    background: transparent !important;


.sapzencrosstab-ColumnHeaderArea {

    background: transparent !important;



.sapzencrosstab-Crosstab {

    background: transparent !important;



.sapzencrosstab-TableDivBackground {

    background: transparent !important;


.sapzencrosstab-DataCellAlternating, .sapzencrosstab-HeaderCellAlternating { 

    background: transparent !important;

.sapzencrosstab-DataCellDefault, .sapzencrosstab-HeaderCellDefault { 

    background: transparent !important;

But after changing it to append everything together, it reads ok.

.sapzencrosstab-DataArea, .sapzencrosstab-RowHeaderArea, .sapzencrosstab-HeaderCellDefault, .sapzencrosstab-ColumnHeaderArea, .sapzencrosstab-Crosstab, .sapzencrosstab-TableDivBackground, .sapzencrosstab-DataCellAlternating, .sapzencrosstab-HeaderCellAlternating, .sapzencrosstab-DataCellDefault, .sapzencrosstab-HeaderCellDefault {

    background: transparent !important;


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