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Crystal reports 2020 export to odbc


I've miraculously connected with support, but I wanted to ask (again) in the community about this: 

Is anyone else having Crystal Reports 2020 crash when trying to *export* to an ODBC connection?  Windows 11 23H2, up-to-date on updates, Microsoft 365 apps installed 64bit, 64bit SQL Server driver installed, even the 64bit Microsoft Access Database Redistributable installed.  Whenever I select the target ODBC connection while exporting a report in CR2020, it immediately crashes to the desktop.  

I can export to any other option in Crystal Reports and it works, but it consistently crashes any time I choose an ODBC target.  

Is anyone else experiencing this and have you found a way to fix it? 

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That number you gave is not a support Incident but a sales number, not the same thing.

Actually you can't buy a support contract for Crystal Reports, no longer available for CR Designer unless you purchase CRS, BOE or some other Crystal Product.

R&D confirmed it's and issue and will be providing a fix in some patch, possibly the next one for CR 2020 and other CRS/BOE products.

Thanks for reporting the issue...

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Don, that's the "DigReqNo" in the original first response I received from SAP, not to mention it's referred to as the "Ticket Number" in the email subject, so I just assumed that was my case number. Sorry about that. Otherwise, WHAT was confirmed to be an issue? I realize you don't owe me more details, but right now you're like a godfather benevolently helping me out and I can't express enough gratitude for your help!
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R&D confirmed both x86 and x64 exporting to ODBC has an issue so that's what they will be fixing. Go here for the update when it's available:

FYI, R&D did test it in CR 2016 and it worked fine....

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Wow, that's insane that it took more than 4 years for this to be addressed. Well, now I can honestly say I was involved in making Crystal Reports better....for what it's worth. 😄
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Actually 4 years is misleading. Without doing a bunch of testing it's possible this was only an issue since some 2016 patch may have broke it....