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Crystal Reports 10 and Visual Studio .NET 2008

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Hi All

I've got an application that I recieved from my cleint. This is running Visual Studio 2008 and Crystal Reports 10 backend being Oracle 10.2

However, when I try to run the applincation and open any report it pops up an error "crdb_oracle.dll" not found.

I have searched this on the internet and found that there were many suggestions there. I've tried all the suggestions like reinstalling the Oracle client, Re Installing Crystal etc.,

But the error remained as is.

When i try to do a regsvr32 on this dll it fails. Am really not sure why this is happening

Any help from any one out there is highly appreciated.


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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the dll prob not yet solver

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Unless you follow Don's and Dave's suggestion from Jul 30, 2008 9:46 AM and Jul 30, 2008 4:47 PM respectively, there will not be a solution. E.G.; CR 10.5 will never, ever include crdb_oeacle.dll. This is by design.

Your only other option is to use ODBC connection to the database (crdb_odbc.dll) or OLEDB connection (crdb_ado.dll).


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I understand that you don't like the answer you see in this thread, but the answer isn't going to change.

You should request for your customers to use OLE DB or ODBC to design their reports. You can't get crdb_oracle.dll with Crystal Reports Basic for VS .NET 2008, or any other bundled edition of Crystal Reports.

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The problem is the customer is not willing to buy further versions of crystal reports and when I tell the customer that VS 2008 does not work with CR 10.0, the customer does not believe me either.

Hence I'm really stuck with Crytal 10.0. Because of this I'm facing some more problems which I've posted in a different thread. Teh sumamry of it being as below:

I've multiple reports and display it onto the same reportviewere control by dynamically pass the rpt file name and assiging the table.applylogoninfo parms before loading any report

However, I've got one report loading of which is taking place normally but if i try to load any other report after that, an error is popped up, the error is as below:

"Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory has been corrupted "

However, if I close the form and reopen the form I'll be able to open the other reports. But the moment I open the particular report and try to open any othere report from there the above error pops up.

This is an issue when I've sub reports. Of course, I got a similar answer for that thread, like I need to install CR 2008 and apply CR 2008 SP1. But am not sure on how I can get the customer approval for this, since I'm trying to convince the customer from June since your initial reply.

Is there any other work around so that I can use CR10.0 with VS2008 and will not get any problems with this, like a hotfix or a service pack which I can download?

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You have a customer using some app built with CR 10.0

Some of the reports use crdb_oracle.dll

You now want to use .NET 2008 and the version of CR that bundles with .NET 2008 - CR 10.5 (no other version is supported with .NET 2008 (other than CR 12)

CR 10.5 does not ship with crdb_oracle.dll

I get a lost on htis:

"The problem is the customer is not willing to buy further versions of crystal reports and when I tell the customer that VS 2008 does not work with CR 10.0, the customer does not believe me either.

Hence I'm really stuck with Crystal 10.0. Because of this I'm facing some more problems which I've posted in a different thread..."

If you want to use .NET 2008 and CR 10.5, you must upgrade the customer to the CR 10.5 runtime. This runtime is free - no cost to the customer. No cost to the customer. In addition, as CR 10.5 does not ship crdb_oracle.dll, you must convert the reports to use either OLE DB or ODBC, or .NET Datasets. Alternatively, you could upgrade to CR 2008 (CR 12) as this version ships crdb_oracle.dll. Then you need to set up the customer with the CR 12 runtime. Once again, the runtime is free - no cost to the customer.


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One topic per thread please. If you'd like to discuss your issue with error "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory has been corrupted" you should create a new post.

As for using the full Crystal Reports 10 product with Visual Studio .NET 2008. We don't have any patch or easy way for you to integrate Crystal 10 with VS 2008. It doesn't make sense for us to do this because Crystal Reports 10 is no longer supported by Business Objects. Please keep in mind that we do have other products to support and need to focus our development energy into new innovations, not keeping our older products going.

That said, you can use Crystal Reports 10 with Visual Studio .NET 2008 on your own. You'll simply need to add all your references manually. If you want to do this cleanly I would recommend you remove the Crystal Reports Basic that is embedded with Visual Studio .NET 2008. If you have both installed you'll likely have problems with conflicting Crystal Reports versions and you'll be very frustrated.

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

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It's not clear if you have Crystal Reports yourself or just the runtime file from the application?

The DB drive is our native Oracle driver which is not shipped with .NET 2008 which includes CR 10.5. You can only get the driver from installing, a Custom install may resolve it also, from the Crystal Reports CD/DVD.

Only option is to convert the Reports to ODBC or OLE DB.

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Hello Pavan,

pleases verify with your customer the versions. CR 10 is not supposed to work in VS 2008. Not even CR 11 would work. Please check in detail which versions your customer is running. A list of supported platforms for different versions you find [here|].

Please discuss further installation issues in the [dedicated NET forum|;.

Thanks a lot


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Thanks for the response.

I've verified the versions though. They are workign fine at the customer place.

Here is what they have done.They have got Oracle, VS 2008 and Crystal Reports 10. They got the reports embedded into .NET environment and are able to view the reports.

But when we try to execute the same code, it pops up the error, "Crdb_oracle.dll" could not be loaded.

Wanted some support on this.

Additionally, could you suggest on what needs to be done? Do we need to upgrade crystsal to crystal 2008? Will this work without any errors on the execution side (I'm sure that the customer of mine will not be happy or willing to upgrade but atleast if I get a confiramtion from you I can atleast quote this to the customer) and without any extra redesiging of the reports or any other work on the reports

Pavan Kumar

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Don is correct in this case. The crdb_oracle.dll driver is not included with Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio .NET 2008. Look in C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Common\2.8\bin and you'll find some crdb_*.dll files but not the crdb_oracle.dll. The Oracle database driver is not included because Crystal Reports Basic for VS .NET 2008 is a free/seeded product included with Visual Studio.

If you want this Crystal Reports 10.0 report to work in your app with Visual Studio .NET 2008 you will need to purchase Crystal Reports 2008.