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Crystal report upgrade

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Hi Community,

I need help upgrading from 2008 Crystal reports to 2016 or 2020. Could someone point me towards the license prices and instructions page?

We use around 12 server licences with a Schneider electric Scada software.




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Active Contributor

Hi SpenceT,

When  upgrading it's always recommended to contact the Third Party and ask them, do not assume they do without asking:

1. Do you support upgrading Crystal Reports to 2016 or 2020?

2. Do you support those versions connecting to "their" data sources?

3. For CR 2016 it's a 32 bit application and for CR 2020 it's a 64 bit application, do "they" support those platforms, mostly database clients.

Go to this link for licensing upgrades for CR Designer:

For licensing to connect to their CR Server/BOE servers same questions as above for Server Licenses, they are likely already set up to provide new Licenses for current versions.

Do NOT just upgrade without contacting them first, it could potentially break everything. There will be migration processes you/They will need to do to upgrade to current versions.

PS a quick search on their web site about CR resulted in a few info posts...


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0 Kudos

Hi Don, thank you for the reply, we know CR works on our application. Could you point me towards where we find the link to purchase CR 2020 licences?

Active Contributor
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Go here and download CR 2020 and purchase it:

You will get an e-mail with the keycode to enter in.

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Hi Don, our environment is isolated from the internet, are the 64bit 2020 CR license's offline versions?

Also, will we require a license server? We currently using CR 2008.

Active Contributor
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No, you need to get a valid Keycode to be able to install it.

So someone who does have access can purchase CR 2020 and will receive a valid keycode.

You can then copy the file over to your PC's to install, be sure to purchase a copy for each user running the Report Designer. On the download link I posted above you can also chat with Sales and determine how many users will be using CR Designer and purchase a bulk License agreement.

See this for CR Licensing: title is for CR for VS but same is true for Crystal Reports.

Crystal Reports for Visual Studio Licensing

CR Designer will complain if it can't connect, Once installed you can change this regisrty key to stop CR from trying to connect to check for updates: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SAP BusinessObjects\Suite XI 4.0\Crystal Reports - DisableCheckForUpdates

CR is based on the Honour system, you do need to get a valid Keycode so at least one copy is purchased, once you have it CR assumes you will respect the license agreement and purchase per user or limit it to one user.

I suggest contacting Schneider electric Scada software, if they have an OEM agreement with SAP it's possible they may have a reduced price per user for you rather than the default CR cost. But as I said, check with them first to confirm you can upgrade to CR 2020, a lot of things could break if their software doesn't support upgrading.