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Creating Planning Layouts

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I have to create an IP layout with two tabs, one with a monthly break down of plan data and the other a quterly break down for the same year. The way this has to be built is, the total from the first tab (from all the monthly figures) should be available as a total in the second tab and it will be distirbuted for the four quarters.

I have built a real time cube for this pupose. Now how do i define the planning functions and sequences for this and how do i create the kind of layout I explained above, with tabs for different looks, buttons for executing different planning fucntions, etc.

I am new to IP, could someone explain this to me



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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hi create one agg.levels. You need not distribute.....the data will be aggreagted quarterly automatically. In the layout use 4 qtly restricted key figures......each with respective 4 periods. You can even do without using restricted key figures.

You will not need any planning function or sequence. Just create two queries, one for monthly values and second one for qtly values. In WAD, use the TAB page and container items. Put each query in different tabs.

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

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Do you only have to plan monthly or you also want to be able to edit the quaterly figures? Soltution will depend on this.

Former Member
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The planning is done monthly and the totals have to add up automatically in the other tab and then allocated across the quaters,



Former Member
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In this case, only the first tab needs input fields and others just need to show the aggregated view of this data as already explained above.

Hope this helps.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Just to add to what Lokesh mentioned above...

1. Build your aggregation levels, filters, and "planning functions" in Planning Modeler first [RSPLAN]

2. Build the queries [or "layouts"] using the new Query Designer [the planning enabled one].

3. Using the Web Application designer, pull the query/layout that you built through the 'Analysis Report' item of the WAD, and the functions using the 'Button' item of WAD.

