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Creating a ResourceContext with a user

Former Member
0 Kudos


I'm triyng to instantiate a ressource context with the current user.

I tried to proceed the following way : nwUser;
nwUser = request.getUser();
IResourceContext resourceContext = (IResourceContext)new ResourceContext(nwUser);

But it seems the ResourceContext constructor needs a different IUSer. (

So i tried to convert the user with user = WPUMFactory.getUserFactory().getEP5User(nwUser);

But this leads to an error a the execution of my servlet on the portal.

I use EP6.0 SP9.

Is there another way to get the current user in a servlet and then instanciate a resourceContext from it ?



Message was edited by: Sylvain

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Sylvain,

> But this leads to an error a the execution

Please, be more specific:

What error? What message? What stack trace (maybe from logs)? Almost nobody will be able to guess what can be wrong if not even an error message / detail is presented...

"Almost nobody" - maybe I'm the exception

Did you add to the SharingReference section of the portalapp.xml?!

Hope it helps


PS: Please consider rewarding points if answers are helpful. Thanks in advance!

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Detlev,

I added to the Java build path of my projet but did not mention it in portalapp.xml. Is it not sufficient ?

Here is the french error message :

  Erreur d'exécution portail
Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement d'une requête pour :
iView : N/A
Nom du composant : N/A
Exception id: 09:40_28/02/05_0040_1212950
See the details for the exception ID in the log file 

Anyway, I changed my strategy and created a j2ee project with a servlet.

In this servlet I proceed the following way : newUser = 
		   response); user 
= WPUMFactory.getUserFactory().getEP5User(newUser);
ResourceContext c = new ResourceContext(user);

This way I get a valid user. But this was not exactly what I wanted because here, I have to enter the user login in a sap logon screen whereas I wanted to be able to perform the login process within the code (with a username/password in parameter of my servlet).

Thanks for your answer


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Sylvain,

> to the Java build path of my projet but did not

> mention it in portalapp.xml. Is it not sufficient ?

No, they are totally independent. See: The Java Build Path is for Eclipse being able to resolve the imports etc and to check against definitions. This only has effects on <i>build</i> time.

Whereas by setting the SharingReference within portalapp.xml you are telling the portal how the classloader for your application has to be built, what other public parts of applications have to be within it. So this is for <i>runtime</i>.

> I wanted to be able to perform the login process

> within the code (with a username/password

> in parameter of my servlet).


Hope it helps


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Detlev,

My problem is solved, thanks a lot for your very usefull response


Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos


I am also trying to create a ResourceContext. My code is

import srvUser = null;

srvUser= WPUMFactory.getServiceUserFactory().getServiceUser("cmadmin_service");

resourceContext = new ResourceContext(srvUser);

This works but I now get the message that the IUser object is depracated and that one should use This object however cannot be used in the ResourceContext constructor.

I cannot find anyway of not using the depracated objects. What is one meant to do in such circumstances?

