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Create Authorization Object On Org-level

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I want to create authorization object on Org-level.Hope someone can give me advices. Thanks!



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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Hi zagory

look at this previous thread

may be helpfull for u



Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos


I provide the authorization object (include Key Figure,Activity,Sale Group ,Sale Office) to role, and provide the role to user.But when I run Query, error message tell me "Warning You do not have authorization to read object Z*** ".

Now I add only I created authorization object to the Role. Is this something wrong or the role have to include other basic authorization object?

Can you give the some advices. Thanks a lot.



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as of now i can say. can you add these fields in the respective infocubes in RSSM.Even you provided authorization for this. you need to enable these fields in the RSSM.

IN RSSM Screen, in the middile you could see that option. Provide the Cube Name, go with create. select the Sales Group, Key Figure.

Check in SU03. For RSR, you need to add the authorization object.

I will check it out and i will let you know by tommrow. Try to search for Posts in the SDN. that gives you very good idea.



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1. Enable all the infoobjects(Sales group, etc) for Authorization relavant.

2. Go to RSSM. Provide the Authorization Object Name say ZSALES. go with create. select the Key Figure. Activity, Sales Group and Sales Office). + Save + F3(U WILL COME TO RSSM SCREEN).

3. Provide the Data Provider name in the RSSM screen. go with change mode(incase if Authorization fields are in the Data Provider) in checks for Infoprovider.

4. create authorization for users by providing User Name go with change mode. you could see ZSALES authorization object under your Name. Right click on ZSALES. go with create authorizations. after creating authorizations you need to provide values for the users(if you want to restrict for the sales group 100 provide this value from draging from left hand side).

click on Charecterstic in the lefthand side, select the charecterstic. beside the charecterstic we have Master Data button. if you click on that it will show you all the values. select the appropriate value(in our case for sales group 100).

generate the authorizations.

Check it out and let me know if u have any concerns.


0 Kudos

Hi Zagory,

If you want to provide authorisation based on salesorg to the users I think the step you missed here was to put an authorisation type variable on salesorg object in the filter section of the query. This is probably why you are getting the "no authorisation" error since without the variable, the query tries to pick up values for all sales orgs.

refer to this post:

especially step no. 4 in my post

hope it helps,



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it could any variable(I mean Authorization or any ). any variable it will work. This is to populate the correct value or to enter the correct values or to enter dynamically the data.


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on which Info Object you want to create a authorizations.

let us assume Sales Org...

check the Sales Org infoobject Bex tab in the info object maintenance screen whether Authorization relavent check box enabled or not? enable the check box.

go to RSSM.

create authorization object.. provide name go with create... select the Sales Organization from lefthand side to right handside(you are selecting Sales Org into New authorization object).

enable cube for this field. take the case cube1 contind sales org. provide cube name in the RSSM. go with create select the Authorization field i mean Sales Organization. save and F3.

at last u need to provide this to user. in the bottom provide user name and click on create... then select the Authorization object.. provide some fixed values to this field say 1000. this user is authorized to see 1000 sales organization data.

Hope this is clear. any questions please let me know.

all the best.
