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Create an offline mobile app using successfactors odata api

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Hello everyone,

I'm trying to an offline mobile application using SAP SuccessFactors OData API and I've been facing some problems to retrieve the data.

I've done all the configuration settings inside mobile cockpit, I can get the metadata from MBT URL generated by Mobile Connectivity configuration, I also can retrieve the data. But when I open the app, I can't see the data there, just an empty table.

I've tried to use offline data store and http rest connection, didn't work.

I've been seeing some videos, but everyone uses the sample odata service provided by Mobile Sample OData ESPM feature. I've tried government's public odata and I can retrieve. There is something wrong I must have been doing.

I appreciate if someone could share any tutorial about how to create a Mobile Connectivity and use it in the SAP MDK.

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About this error "Failed to initialize application data service - Error [-10340] the download failed due to an error on the server: -857 (SERVER_SYNCHRONIZATION_ERROR) ([-10225] Message: User exc..", please reproduce it, then in the admin cockpit of mobile service, you can get some error message and there is a correlationID in it. Please provide us the correlationID and your url of mobile service. We can get some useful server log which can help to check what's the reason for this error.