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Create a "Detail" object in UDT and show normally but do not show under associated dimension??

0 Kudos

Hi Folks,

I have to create a multiple detail objects associated to one main dimension but as per client requirement those Detail objects should not appear under the associated dimension. Instead show all Detail objects as a normal dimension object without wrapping.

Is that possible OR any possible work around ??

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Active Contributor

The only "work-around" I know of is to make them dimension objects instead of detail objects.


0 Kudos

Thank you Dell for your response.

But to avoid creating detail objects in WEBI report side (to ease super users in their ad-hoc report development) I am checking the feasibility to create "Detail" objects in universe. Please see my other thread for my use case.

Create Detail Object in UDT universe with similar functionality of WebI detail Object | SAP Communit...

Please suggest if any work around.

Thank you.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

There is no way to display them as normal dimensions without making them normal dimensions in the universe. That's the way Detail object work in the universe.
