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Former Member
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I am making some modifications on the cProjects application. On the tab "relevant masterdata" (on the right side of the project header) I have the field ISBN-number that I am trying to populate with data the moment I click the tab. My problem is that I can not find which bsp page to do the changes in.

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Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos

Yoiu might try turning on a Performance Trace right before you choose the new tab.

System->Utilities->Performance Trace

Select SQL Trace and Buffer Trace.

Since information about the BSP pages themeselves are stored in the database (although most likely read from a Buffer - hence the need to turn on both traces), you should see them in the trace. Look for entries agains the Object O2PAGEDIR.

I have used this before to quickly see the flow in complex MVC applications.