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could someone teach me how to do language settings under win7?

Former Member

My operating systme is in Chinese so Sybase central is automatically giving me a Chinese interface, though I really want to work on it in English. Could you advise me how to change the language of sybase central please??

Many thanks

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)


Try running dblang EN

"C:\\Program Files\\SQL Anywhere 16\\bin64\\dblang.exe" EN
0 Kudos

Just to add: In case SC's "fast launcher" is running (by default), you may have to stop that (or restart the machine) to see an effect of the the changed language settings...

Former Member
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Hi Breck

Thank you for your advise. I did try this method. I ran the "dblang.exe" file and a message jumped out saying “the current language setting is EN”. However when I opened the cybase central it was still in Chinese, no matter how I tried to restart my machine or disable the fast launcher...

Also could you tell me what is the "EN" in your reply " "C:\\Program Files\\SQL Anywhere 16\\bin64\\dblang.exe" EN"? I can only find "dblang.exe", not sure what the EN at the end is.

thank you very much

Former Member
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Hi Breck Thank you so much for your advise. In the folder I could only see "dblang.exe' but it turns out "dblang en" exists as an executable program when I typed "dblang en" for searching directly... Still dunno how this works but I managed to run the program and everything is in English now. Thank you very very much for your help!

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but it turns out "dblang en" exists as an executable program when I typed "dblang en" for searching directly...

That's a misunderstanding: There is no executable named "dblang en" - "EN" is just a parameter you specify for the dblang command line tool, it's exactly as you would add "\\Windows" to the "CD" command in a command shell to generate a "CD \\Windows" command...

That being said, we're glad that you got it working:)

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I can share a secret knowledge with you. If you want to run Sybase Central in a different language (e.g. in English), you have to tell JVM that:

Change the line in the link text.ini file: VM_ARGUMENTS=-Xmx256m;-Duser.language=en;-Duser.region=en