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Cookie handling in HCP or HANA Cloud Connector

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I tried to expose the WebGUI as an HCP application following the guidelines. This should simply be possible by using a (dummy) HTML5 application in HCP with a neo-app.json file declaring a destination 'sap'. This destination is then defined in HCP with URL=http://host:port/sap and proxyType 'onPremise'.

In the Cloud Connector I defined a virtual host 'host:port' with internal host 'realHost:realPort' and assigned '/sap' (with all sub-paths) to it.

In this way it's now possible to call any SICF-node (e.g. WebGUI) in the backend system via HCP as reverse proxy using the usual URL-path, e.g.

Calling this URL I get the expected logon screen from the backend, but logging on is not possible as cookies somehow handled not properly (error message on log on screen: 'Logon with URL parameter not possible; logon cookie is missing').

When looking at the Clound Connector trace it seems that only the 'last' cookie from the cookie header field is transferred to the backend

Any idea what goes wrong here?

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After playing around a little bit: the missing cookie has the 'secure'-flag set. So it is passed only in case of https. After changing the destination in HCP to https://host:port/sap things are working fine (at least regarding cookies ...).