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Consuming virtual table by CDS- View (SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 3) fails: (Cannot find artifact ...)

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2018-12-17-12-39-06-sap-web-ide-for-sap-hana.pngHi Thomas,

we want to consume a table (EDIDC) from a remote S/4- systems CFIN by a HANA-cds- view on our "naked" HANA- system "EXP" (SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 3). Using HANA- Web IDE we created successfully the remote data source in EXP and also the virtual table "edidc" in the hdi-container "CFIN_Monitor.CFIN_Monitor_DBM". We can see the 2018-12-17-12-40-44-sap-web-ide-for-sap-hana.pngcontent in the database explorer in EXP. So far so good. The idea now is to consume this virtual table by a cds-view in order to build a VDM in EXP which in a later stage of the project might be consumed by SAC (SAP Analytics Cloud). But the build fails with the error message "Cannot find artifact "edidc"". We have the impression that the access to the virtual table from within the context "test" in our cds- artefact fails. A table being created within the context "test" look like this: CFIN_Monitor.CFIN_Monitor_DBM::test.mytable and can be consumed, but the virtual table CFIN_Monitor.CFIN_Monitor_DBM::edidc does not have the context in its name and does not seem to be visible even it has been created in the same hdi- container. What are we missing here ? Any hint ?

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Hi Stefan,

even using the exact path as generated from the sql- console,

view myview as select from "CFIN_MONITOR_1"."CFIN_Monitor.CFIN_Monitor_DBM::edidc" as edidc { ... }

gives the error message "Cannot find artifact "CFIN_MONITOR_1" [1310042] at "src/test.hdbcds" (6:21-37)"

We are really stuck with this problem now for quite a while.

Any suggestion highly appreciated!

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Hi Dirk,

We are facing the same error as you mentioned in your post. Could you please let me know were you able to fix this issue?



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Hi Stefan,

we tried that too, but the build says:

Paths with namespace are not allowed inside view definitions [1310156]

attached screenshot.2018-12-17-12-51-29-sap-web-ide-for-sap-hana.png

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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You have to include the full namespace of your virtual table ("CFIN_Monitor...") if you want to refer to it from another object.

Personally I would not use such a long namespace. You can adjust the namespace by unhiding hidden files ("eye" icon).