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Configuration of SUM

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I am trying to configure SUM on rev.20..

I already solved all possible issues with certificates and it seems that Studio to Database as well as Database to Hostagent connection is working but I am getting following error:

Verification of manifest /usr/sap/hostctrl/work/SIGNATURE.SMF failed.
Could not deploy Host Agent configurations [/usr/sap/HD1/SUM/operations.d/detect-newdb-server.conf, /usr/sap/HD1/SUM/operations.d/detect-hostagent.conf, /usr/sap/HD1/SUM/operations.d/updatehostagent.conf, /usr/sap/HD1/SUM/operations.d/update-newdb-client.conf, /usr/sap/HD1/SUM/operations.d/update-newdb-studio.conf, /usr/sap/HD1/SUM/operations.d/detect-newdb-installation-number.conf, /usr/sap/HD1/SUM/operations.d/update-load-controller.conf, /usr/sap/HD1/SUM/operations.d/check-user.conf, /usr/sap/HD1/SUM/operations.d/detect-newdb-client.conf, /usr/sap/HD1/SUM/operations.d/update-newdb-server.conf, /usr/sap/HD1/SUM/operations.d/detect-newdb-studio.conf, /usr/sap/HD1/SUM/operations.d/detect-sedm.conf, /usr/sap/HD1/SUM/operations.d/detect-load-controller.conf] on host hanapoc with user name sapadm and signature /usr/sap/HD1/SUM/SIGNATURE.SMF.
Could not update SAP Host Agent configurations on host hanapoc. Could not update SAP Host Agent configurations on host hanapoc.

I was trying to find more information and I found this in /usr/sap/hostctrl/work//usr/sap/hostctrl/work

Manifest verification failed (ERROR in af_open: (4129/0x1021) The PSE does not exist : "/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sec/SAPverifytest.pse"
ERROR in secsw_open: (4129/0x1021) The PSE does not exist : "/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sec/SAPverifytest.pse"
ERROR in secsw_open_pse_or_extension: (4129/0x1021) The PSE does not exist : "/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sec/SAPverifytest.pse"
ERROR in sec_get_PSEtype: (4129/0x1021) The PSE does not exist : "/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sec/SAPverifytest.pse"

[Thr 140309328340752] Tue Nov 22 23:27:52 2011
[Thr 140309328340752] *** ERROR => Verification of manifest /usr/sap/hostctrl/work/SIGNATURE.SMF failed. [saphostcontrolweb.cpp 2403]
[Thr 140309328340752] *** ERROR => Webmethod DeployConfiguration failed: Verification of manifest /usr/sap/hostctrl/work/SIGNATURE.SMF failed. [saphostcontr 2303]

I can confirm that this PSE really does not exist. Does anyone know what is this PSE for?

Both Google and SAP Marketplace is returning 0 hits.

Can someone check with development teams?


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Hi Tomas,

Did SAP give any solution to your issue. I have installed HANA SP7 using unified installer. After starting HLM(Hana Life Cycle Manager when i try to check the available products and landscapes i faced with the same issue as yours:

Please let me know if any solution is given by SAP.

