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Complete list of Datasphere objects

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Is it possible to get a list of all objects with the business name, technical name, folder, type, etc. from the metadata information in Datasphere as in shown in the Data Builder? 


I can get info about tables and views from sys schema, but only the technical names are available.

SELECT * FROM tables WHERE SCHEMA_NAME IN ('xx', 'yy')

SELECT * FROM views  WHERE SCHEMA_NAME IN ('xx', 'yy')

Some more info can be gathered from the SPACE_NAME$TEC schema, but you can't get the full information either.

SELECT * FROM "SPACE_NAME$TEC"."$$DeployArtifacts$$";


Any clues?

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Active Contributor

I think you have gone through everything that is available.

HANA object tables do not contain "extra" information that Datasphere adds, so that information must be somewhere else, another thing is that it is available for query.

Maybe SAP should evaluate the possibility of publishing those tables with DSP's own metadata.

On the other hand, I don't know if you could complement that info with the one you get from the client: Accessing SAP Datasphere via the Command Line | SAP 

Hi Xavi, I appreciate your answer. After a fast scan, I think the API is a promising path to fit my needs, so I'm going to work on this option. Thank you very much for your help. I'll write back to share my conclusions. David
Hi Xavi, I tried the datasphere cli and now, I can gather almost all the information that I need. Apparently, folder names are not available to list, and it seems that a request is needed for each space and type of object, but I can automate that part. Your answer has been really useful, thanks again. David
Active Contributor
Hi David, I'm glad. This topic has always interested me, in the first version of DWC I made a program to extract the dependencies between all the objects similar to the current impact analysis. But it requires a lot of work and in something as changeable as DSP is risky and complicated. Data and platform governance, combining information from DSP objects, HANA objects, processes executed as task chains, their dependencies, relating logs, audits, etc. is something very interesting, but again difficult and time consuming.