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Did you mean: Decoding response status line. Invalid http response: null

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Hi All,

We are having a Synchronous Proxy to Webservice Scenario for which we are using standard SOAP Adapter with HTTP 1.1  The authentication is done using certificate imported into Key store. We also have maintained a proxy and relevant authentication for proxy in the channel. There is a Transform bean in the Module parameters which converts the payload to "text/xml" and the time out parameter has also been increased from the default 5 mins to 10 mins.

Issue is when I am sending around 3000 records to the webservice, the interface is working fine and response is received. When I am sending around 10000 records to webservice, I am getting the below error

SOAP: call failed: Decoding response status line. Invalid http response: null

Message processing failed. Cause: Decoding response status line. Invalid http response: null: Decoding response status line. Invalid http response: null

I had got time out issue before and after the time out parameter was set up, the time out / message expired error no longer comes.

I have checked with the webservice provider and received confirmation that all the data sent through the interface is received and processed on their end. But we are not receiving the response back.

What could be the problem and what needs to be done to resolve this?

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Rashmi,

The error can be on either your side or the receiver side. To investigate your system generate thread dumps when you are sending the increased number of record. It's likely that thread exhaustion may be a root cause of the null response error. Also perform an XPI Inspector trace to check how is the message processing. You should check SAP Note 1593920 for more information about how to tune your system.

If the tuning doesn't solve the issue the error is likely on the receiver webservice side.


Active Contributor
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Hi Rashmi,

You can use the XPI inspector to get more traces and to know better what is happening:

However, the problem seems to be in the endpoint that it can not deal with a huge number of requests in a short time period.

If i was you i would change the proxy code and i will do N retries if i get a exception in the call.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Rashmi,

Please find the document and see if helps.