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Hi All,

I am working with a scenario to collection of multiple idoc using BPM . I am working with this scenario [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] above link is almost same as my requirement .But in this link i dont find the settings for directory.Please help me to solve.

Is there any sender communication channel is required?

How any receiver detemination ,interface mapping,sender agreement and receiver agreement is required?

Please help.



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Former Member
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Co-Relation : Defining the relation between the messages in the integration process is referred as co relation.

To define the co relation goto view menu of the process --> select correlation editor --> In the correlation

list define the correlation name --> In the correlation container define the element on which correlation is

to be implemented. (name : <field_name>, type : String) --> Select the involved messages and choose the field

name at properties(this process repeat for every involved messages).

Receive step,send step and block step has the check box "new transaction".

if we select this chk box then it creates new transaction and creates the Log at the DB

level for each item.



Former Member
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take a case if you are collecting 2 IDoc types then,

3 receiver determination - 2 from two sender(2 IDoc types) to BPM and 1 from BPM to receiver... 2 + 1

hence 3 respective interface determination 2 + 1

1 receiver agreement

No sender agreement as IDoc sender adapter and agreement is not required

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ID is quite simple to develop when you are done with your BPM in IR.

Import your Business Process in ID.

You need to create two receiver determinations. one from your IDoc to to your BPM and One from BPM to Actual receiver.

Same holds good for interface determination.

there will be one receiver agreement for the actual receiver,(BP to Actual file) which will contain your file adapter.

You do not need any sender agreement or communication channel when IDoc is sender as IDoc channel resides on ABAP stack.


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