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CMS error

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I just need help in one of the error issue in BO. I installed BO 3.0 and BO 3.1 in different IP address both are getting same error. I was using MS SQL2008 DB for both.Before it get installed totally it was throwing this error:

The CMS has failed to start.Press 'Retry' to attempt to start it again or 'Cancel' to skip any actions dependent on the CMS STU000213

I'm getting this for both 3.0 and 3.1 also

When i cancel BO is installing but i didn't found SIA CMS server in CCM

Only Apache Tomcat is running,I didn't found any CMS server.I tried to create it manual but no use it was not all creating.

Please help me regarding this.

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You should check whether a CMS database (tables) is created on the MY SQL 2008 DB. If not, it could be that the rights given on the created DB are not sufficient.

Hope this helps...

Martijn van Foeken

Focuzz BI Services

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I followed this procedure during my Installation:

1) I created CMS DB and Audit DB in the MS SQL2008 using SA authentication login.

2) I created ODBC connections for the above mentioned Database tables.

3) At last I started the BO Installation but as i mentioned earlier that I didn't configure the BO Administration password during Installation and every time I'm getting STU000213 error.If I use SQL server as my existing database.

Edited by: nrkc@99 on Dec 20, 2010 8:42 AM

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I assume you tested that the ODBC connections work ;-). Not sure if not configuring Administrator password during installation is related, but if it was mandatory for this operation to complete it probably would have been part of the installation and not optional.

What you can try is to open the CCM and try to create of CMS database. Please refer to the BO XI 3.x admin guide on how to recreate. Have you checked if there are any tables in the MS SQL 2008 databases created for CMS and Audit?

Hope this helps...

Martijn van Foeken

Focuzz BI Services

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I tried to Recreate the CMS Database (SIA) in CCM but it was not adding the CMS server.I found these database tables in SQL2008. In CMS DB i have dbo.CMS_Aliases6, dbo.Idnumbers6, dbo.Infoobjects6, dbo.locks6,dbo.relations6,dbo.version info.

In Audit DB i have dbo.Application_type,dbo.Audit_Detail,dbo.DETAIL_TYPE, dbo.EVENT_TYPE,dbo.INCOMPLETE_EVENT, dbo.SERVER_PROCESS.

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Are you receiving an error message when you try to create the SIA in the CCM? You mentioned in the original post that you have installed 2 version with different IP addresses. What do you mean exactly? Have you configured a complete different set of ports to be used by both installs? So for SIA, Tomcat, etc...?

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I'm not getting any error while creating SIA in CCM,At the end of the creation it was showing adding SIA after 1 or 2 minutes it was disappearing without any SIA creation.

I have two VMware server in first server i tried to install BO edge 3.0 with SQL2008 and in second server i tried with BO edge 3.1 series with SQL2008.

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So you are not running them on the same OS but on two seperate VMWare images running on 1 server. So that would rule out a possible port conflict. My gut feeling says you should try to create a new VMWare image, install MS SQL2008 and create the connections and databases with appropriate user accounts. Then start the installation of the Edge product, either XI 3.0 or XI 3.1.

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Leave about the two servers and two installations Now i deleted two installations and started a fresh installation for that also,I'm getting error. Tell me why I'm getting STU000213 error and SIA is not at all creating in my CCM.