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CM Repository in FSDB mode

Former Member
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Hello all,

We defined CM repository in FSDB mode and copied to this repository some libraries from Public Documents repository.

We checked and found that metadata Properties were copied to the new repository correctly.

After a few days we found that the new repository didn't display in KM folder , but in the monitor we can see it Green (The hide root property isn't checked in repository manager definition) , after restart portal services the FSDB repository are displayed in the list of repositories but all metadata is gone.

Any ideas about what happened?

Thank you,


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Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos


Property services must be assign to the repository. Have you check it ?

Is it happening in all your fsdb repositories ?

What happen if you create a new one ?


Former Member
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No, properties service is irrelevant here.

The reason for loss of metadata in FSDB mode usually is that at some point of time access to the file share was impossible, causing the repository manager to assume that the files indeed have been deleted. Once they reappear, the RM syncs, but doesn't have the metadata anymore.

Best regards, Julian

Former Member
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Thank you for the answer,

We understood that something incorrect is happen,

but the question is: How can we prevent this from happen in the future?

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That's hard to say without knowing what exactly happened. For instance, this may be caused by a flaky file server, of somebody temporarily renaming a top level folder in the file system, ....

Best regards, Julian

Former Member
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I think if the parameter "Disable Automatic FSDB Synchronization" is activated, then the loss of meta data becos of temporary non-accessibility of the file server can be avoided.

When needed, manual synchronization of the files & meta data needs to be done.

best regds,


Message was edited by: Alagammai Arunachalam

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Alagammai,

Where is this property activated, how do i enable and disable?



Former Member
0 Kudos

I found it in repository manager configuration...