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Cloud Integration: Switch iflow Type

0 Kudos

Hello SAP Community,

is it possible to switch the iflow type from "REST API" to "Integration Flow" ?

I do not want to build a new one from scratch. 

In my understanding, the only difference is, that REST API necessarily has to have a HTTPS Sender-Adapter.

And my requirements changed to "ProcessDirect".

Thanks in Advance.


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello Simon,

I don't think there is a way to change the iflow type.
However you can edit your REST API flow, select all the flow elements holding SHIFT and click the Copy button on left of the top menu.
Then create a new iflow of the desired type, edit it, select the main integration process and click the Paste button.
Hopefully this saves you some time instead of creating everything again from scratch.

Best Regards,

0 Kudos
Hi Carlos, thanks for the tip. I did not know that. That´s a suitable workaround