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Cloud Integration - Could not connect to Cloud Connector


Hello colleagues,

We have Cloud Integration suite tenant (licenced, not trial).

I made initial setup - created subaccount, added entitlements added Integration Suite (SaaS), provisioned it with Cloud Integration etc...

I also connected that subaccount to cloud connector and it is showing all green in Connectivity/Cloud connectors page.

But when I go to Cloud Integration app and to Operate and Monitoring/Test connectivity/Cloud connector - I put correct Location ID there - I got error Could not connect to Cloud Connector

0 Kudos

Hi Vladimir,

we are facing the same behavior. Did you found a solution for that?

In our BTP Cockpit the CloudConnector as well as the exposed onPrem PO-System is showing up "green"

but neither the Test Connectivity nor importing a Mapping from the onPrem ESR ist working.

Thanks for your answer


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Answers (5)


Hi Vladimir,

you are mostly describing your configuration from Cloud point of view. Maybe it is worthwhile to check everything that is necessary to establish the connection also from OnPrem point of view, the Cloud Connector Administration that is (see e.g.

Kind regards


0 Kudos


I got the same issue.

Furthermore, i created a desitinatiion and point to cloud connector, and click test connection, it also show error.

Best regards, Bavi

0 Kudos

Hi ,

has anyone fixed this error because we've excactly the same bahavior?

Best regards


Active Contributor
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Hi Vladimir,

Double check that you have the correct location ID, there could be a typo or different uppercase/lowercase letters.

In your cloud connector cockpit, is everything deployed and has the correct status? You may need to activate it.

Kind regards,


0 Kudos

I double checked location ID - also changed it - just in case, that something is wrong. Tried also to have blank location ID in SCC and SCI. Still same issue.

Regarding status of service - I got only one SaaS service in this subaccount and it is activated

Just in case I created also service instances for connectivity and CI runtime and both are green. But this shouldnt be necessary - as far as I know

I guess that connectivity service is already part of that SaaS subscription - am I right?

0 Kudos

Hi Balko,

may be temporary issue, try again after sometime.

but this shouldn't stop you in building iflow and transferring data to backend.

- Avinash

0 Kudos

I experience that problem for two days now.

I setup that SCI tenant some time ago, but yesterday I started developing iFlows - and at that time I discovered this problem.

I also build same setup in trial account to proof if the problem is not in my setting - but I got same problem there.

0 Kudos

as there is no much log, its difficult to say what the problem is.

i would suggest build simple ilfow and push one xml to backend. share us the error log you got. that would help.

also check for any logs in CC in the backend.

let us know ..