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Cloud Connector:"Failure reason: "Backend status could not be determined"

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Hi Experts,

I recently downloaded the latest SAP Cloud Connector portal version and started it in my laptop. I configured the account to connect to hanatrial account and also configured the backend system in the cloud to OnPremise option. In the HCP i can see my cloud connector configuration, when I try to create a destination and click check connection, I get the error Failure reason: "Backend status could not be determined".

Any expert advice how to fix this error? Below are the screen shots of the configurations

1. Hana Trial Connection - i did not provide the proxy because we dont have internet proxy.

2. Back End connection - Screenshot

3. The Connected screenshot of the Back End System

4. the Cloud Connector which is visible in the HCP

5. Destination Configuration in the HCP.

I have selected OnPremise for the Proxy Type so that the connection will be through the SAP Cloud Connector. And have provided the user name password for the SAP system is this correct? or do i have to use a security certificate?

I have not done any security configuration so far in the Cloud Connector.

Thanks in Advance.


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Update to this post.

Instead of running the SAP Cloud Connector in the laptop i installed the Connector in the cloud server and also i am able to access the iwbep URL using the internal https://host:port/sap/iwbep

  1. I have mapped the URL in the destination to the Virtual Host/Port configuration in the Cloud Platform
  2. If I click the "Check availability of the internal host" i see that the status changes to "Reachble"
  3. If i try the url "https://mylocalhost:port/sap/iwbep" from the server where the SAP Cloud connector is installed, i am able to access the page.
  4. I have also installed a System certificate in SAP Cloud Connector.

I just tried checking the network trace and found that the connection request from SAP Cloud Platform is not even reaching the Cloud Connector. How do i find out the error. I see my Cloud Connector instance in the SAP Cloud Platform.

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Dear would be appreciate, if anyone know this issue and fix this issue.