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chart function does not work

Former Member
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Hello Gurus,

I ceate a webi on universe which is based on oracle store procedure, but when I want to turn this webi table into line chart, I found all the chart functions are inactive, I can't use charts. but for other WEBI reports , chart function does work. will you please tell me how to fix it? Appreciate very much.

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What version of BOBJ you are using and what Serrvice Pack and Fix Pack you have.

Is it happening with all the universe of one specific universe? Did you try eFashion universe to see if it behaves the same?

If this is the case then you need to update SP and FP.


Bashir Awan

Former Member
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I have a webi created on this procedure universe. no problem for it. but even I copy this same procedure to create another similar universe, webi on this latter universe will not feature chart function ( image for those chart function are grey, inactive).

our BO should be v3.0. NO matter what that version is, if it works for one universe, it should be working for its copy.

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can you just check in the report you are using at least one measure object in the table while turning to chart.Without measure object in the table is one thing when charts are in the gray.



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Yes, also try copying the Webi report.

Does this happen for the same user, on the same machine, for the two reports, both in the advanced edit mode?

What if you re-create the Webi report? Copy paste the Webi report?

This should help highlight where the problem lies.

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