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Changing the # sign in the reports

Former Member
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Hello experts,

I have a field 'Age' whenever it is less than 1 year it comes as '0' in the flat file but shows '#' sign in the reports. Age was defined as a NUMC data type, character length 3.

Problem is I wanted it to be shown as 0 and not #. Can we do something without changing the object as key figure as it acts as an attribute for an other characteristic.

Any idea would be helpful.



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Former Member
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Hi Priya,

Thats pretty weird. Normally # only appears for Not Assigned Characteristics. Can you check the actual content of the CUBE for the said keyfigure?

Another technique is to create a calculated keyfigure. Put a logical statement when = # then 0 (something like that).



Former Member
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Hello Jkyle,

Truly speaking it might not be that weird. Let me just explain Age below one year comes as 0 in the flat file and when I upload it into my system it shows as blank in the PSA and since I defined my object as characteristic with data type as numeric it doesn't allow me to define 0 as it takes by default and since it doesn't exist in the master data it is showing as unassigned in the reports. I tried to edit my master data and insert 0 in it but it doesn't allow me to do that saying it is already created by default.

I don't see it in any of my Infocubes or ODS as it is not defined as a separate object in the dimensions but defined as an attribute and only when we pull that attribute in the reports do we have this problem.

So please now can you throw some idea. Probably defining it as a calculated key figure is fine but can u explain a bit more, meanwhile I would try :).



Active Contributor
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Hi Priya,

You mentioned that you don't want to use the Age as a KF as it is an attribute for another char, but you can also have KF as a n attribute for another char. Is there any other problem/ reason for you to not define the AGE as a KF and then attach it to the char as an attr? If not, then this would help solve your problem...

Former Member
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Hi Priya,

I don't know at which point of development you are. May be it is an option to change the data type of Age from numc to char. For a numc 0 is the default value like space for char. This is why you see the # for it. If you post the 0 to a char field you will see the 0 in the reports.



Former Member
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Thanks Siggi,

We are almost going live in next few days :(. But will try, so you think changing the object to data type 'character' is better than the option of defining the object altogether as a key figure.

Please let me know which option is better.


Active Contributor
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Hi Priya,

If you need to later on do any calculations on Age in your reports, I think using it as a KF would help...

Former Member
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Well Bhanu,

that's right, but I can also imagine reports where it is useful to have it as a characteristic. So I think it's up to you Priya to decide what will be the best approach for your needs.



Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Priya,

What is it stored as in the InfoCube? Can you see through LISTCUBE...