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change SQL server keyword to sybase keyword

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i have this select query below.

SELECT @ColumnName = ISNULL(@ColumnName + ',', '') + QUOTENAME(TestName) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT [TestName] FROM #Test t INNER JOIN #Marks m ON m.TestID =t.TestID WHERE Semester = @Semester) AS [TestName]

Sybase give this error : Function 'QUOTENAME' not found. If this is a SQLJ function or SQL function, use sp_help to check whether the object exists (sp_help may produce a large amount of output).

how this fix this.. Thank you

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Are you using Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)? SQL Anywhere does not report the message you cite.

Note that ASE does not have QUOTENAME function. That appears to be a Microsoft SQL Server T-SQL function.

If you are using ASE, please review faq related to ASE.

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According to the question, it might be SAP IQ...

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What are you trying? This looks very complicated just to get all the test names... How about:

select list(distinct TestName) into @ColumnName from #Test inner join ...

or, if you need the quotes and maybe sorted:

select list(distinct '''' || TestName'''' order by TestName) into @ColumnName from #Test inner join ...