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cell editor

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

any examples of cell editor? why would we be going for them? any inputs.



(wrong forum -- sorry i just realized)

Message was edited by: Ravi Raj

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Active Contributor
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Hi Ravi,

You can use the cell editor when you have 2 structures in your query. This editor then lets you define calculations at individual cell (intersection) level instead of for the whole column or row. You can also highlight an individual cell using the cell editor.

Hope this helps...

Former Member
0 Kudos

it is used for calculation on a particular cell where 2 structures intersect? correct me bhanu.

Active Contributor
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Yes you are right. In fact you cannot use the cell editor (it is greyed out) unless there are 2 structures in your query definition.

Former Member
0 Kudos

that was exactly what i was abt to ask is it possible only when u have 2 structures.

thanks bhanu.

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