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CCLM Querying data by BW content like 0SM_CCLM

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Hi there,

after more than 25 years of development without clean up, it's time to clear out the basement.

I therefore activated CCLM in SolMan a couple of months ago. Until now, I only found Fiori App F3360 (custom code objects) useful. Other apps are somewhat of useless to me. As I'm aware there are BW cubes involved, like 0SM_CCLM.

I tried to query the cube but I note it only shows objects of type FUNC, METH and COMM. That about other objects like PROG? They don't seem to be part of the cube but they are shown in F3360 app.

I tried several BI Cubes but I don't understand the intend behind them. All I've checked so far lack in information or provide just a single kpi with only a few fields.

Is there a way to query all data provided in F3360 app by an cube? I mean, data exists in some tables. I want to build some dashboards for my colleages to help them identifying outdated and unused code. Also I wants to have some statistical information (i.e. count of unused objects, count of objects py package and type) by time to visualize progress we make. In BI cubes, I can set snapshot date but again, they lack in information.

Maybe I didn't found the right cube so far.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Firstly, I would recommend to take advantage of the standard CCLM function(tile) called Decommissioning Cockpit, where a project can be created and unused objects will be listed together with object attributes like object type,  last used date, packge etc. See attached file for example. For more details, please refer to CCLM how-to guide.

Then if you still would like to build up some custom query, there are several BW cubes that are storing the objects data, like 0SM_UPLDD, 0SM_UPLMM, 0SM_UPLMY, 0CCMAW etc. For transaction (TRAN) type object, 0CCMAW is relevant BW cube; For other object types like program(PROG), 0SM_UPLMM could be a proper one considering it is the month aggregation and the default retention period for housekeeping is 18 month. 0SM_UPLDD records data on daily basis, by default data older than 14 days will be deleted and will be aggregated into 0SM_UPLMM before deletion. 0SM_UPLMY is the year aggregation but with less details.

CCLM supported object types are as below:
PROG: only for executable programs usage can be collected from UPL/SCMON or in
some cases from workload statistics
PROG: for includes usage can be derived from main object: If the respective main object
is marked as used, all includes of this main object will be marked as well. Only accurate
for SAP Severity = 5.
METH: Usage of methods can be collected from UPL/SCMON
CLAS: Usage of classes can be collected based on UPL/SCMON derived from assigned
methods: If any method of a class is marked as used, then the respective class will be
marked as used as well.
FUNC: Usage of function modules can be collected from UPL/SCMON
FUGR: Usage of function groups can be collected based on UPL/SCMON derived from
assigned function modules: If any function module of a function group is marked as used,
then the respective function group will be marked as used as well.
DEVC: Usage of development classes can be collected based on UPL/SCMON derived
from assigned objects: If any object of a development is marked as used, then the
respective development class will be marked as used as well.
TRAN: Usage of transaction can only be collected from workload statistics.
(UPL/SCMON cannot record usage of transactions)
Webdynpro and BSP: Collected within the Usage-Map-Extractor since SP12.

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Hello David,

thanks for your answer. I'm aware of decommissioning cockpit and I already created some projects. But I don't understand what system takes into account to judge, if an object is obsolete or not. I see lots of heavily used objects which are flagged for decommissioning. So usage can't be the onliest indicator.

We do have tons of DDIC objects, which are not used anymore. In past, colleagues deleted the code objects like PROG, but not the structures, data elements and domains used by it. There are cubes for referenced objects. But I'm interested in those which are NOT referenced

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One addition to ULP Cube. I can analyze how often an object has been used in a year. But if an object has never been used, it does not show in ULP
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hello Patrick, Regarding decommissioning cockpit projects, for support types of objects if they are used during project defined period, they should not be listed in object list and should not be flagged as Recommended for Decommissioning. If that happens, please raise a case to SAP for further analysis. Regarding no longer used structures, data elements and domains, I am afraid last usage information of those objects will not be collected because they are not among the supported object types of CCLM function. To query all objects including both used & unused, table AGSCCL_OBJECT can be used.