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CAP application with external API on BTP

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Hi CAP experts!

I have developed couple of CAP applications on BTP with SAP backend before, but i have come to meet new challenge and going through various blogs I cant seem to locate the information pertaining my usecase, I only find blogs where external api is used as value helps, no as main data source.

The gist of the case is a simple one: need model based LR app with create/ediit functionality. But the issue is that data resides outside SAP systems - in external API, that I added as an destination to BTP and connected to CAP project in BAS, which imported it as xml and cds files in srv/external.

Now while testing local service I can see data, but no create or edit, which i assume is because I don't use local db..

So the question is - is there a way to achieve create app based on solely external data service and get out of the box create/edit? Should the data be replicated in hana db fully? or the way is to add create/edit functions as extensions on UI? or maybe draft functionality can be levergaed somehow differently?

Also thereto - is it possible to create such app using managed approuter or?



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Active Contributor

Perhaps you are looking for what @rizing/cds-extension does. You could checkout the Productivity Tools in BAS for this in:   developing-business-applications-using-productivity-tools/working-with-external-data-models 

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hello Dinu,
So I tried using this npm package but I think it is last maintained was a year ago.
When I run my app, I got the error message of:
Cannot find module '@sap/cds/libx/_runtime/cds-services/services/utils/columns'
Cannot find module '@sap/cds/libx/_runtime/fiori/utils/handler'
I think the publisher needs to adjust the imported function, cause the module it tried to look for was last available in sap/cds version 4.x