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Cannot start HCI iFlow

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello, I am new in HCI. I have deployed simple iFlow, with soap Pole-basic authentication method, but if I run the endpoint and provide my user and password of HCI, I get following soap fault:


An internal error occurred during message processing. For error details check the tail log in Integration Operations and the audit log.


If I change soap authentication method to client certificate and deploy iFlow, it asks me to provide username and password if I run endpoint.

Could you please help me to start simple iFlow.

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Active Contributor

Good to hear that David.

Please close the thread.


Sriprasad Shivaram Bhat

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hallo, Sriprasad Shivaram Bhat

Thank you for your recommendations. It works


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello David,

I assume you are doing SOAP to SOAP scenario[ SOAP UI<--> SAP HCI<--> RECIEVER] and you have performed all the initial setup required for SAP HCI.

Below blog will give more insight on initial configuration.

Follow the below steps once you perform initial configuration [ Steps are related to Eclipse Tooling ].

1) Create and deploy the IFLow.

2) Check whether IFlow is up and running in Component Status overview,if not check Tail Log[ Windows->Show View->Tail Log] for the error.

3) Once you resolve that deploy the IFlow again and you will be able to see the integration project with status "Started".

4) Then check the Services tab[ Click on IFLMAP node-> Properties->Services] and download the respective WSDL.

5) Use the same WSDL in SOAP UI and give the authentication details[ SUSER and Password ].

6) Make sure your SUSER have ESBMessaging.Send role.

7) Then try to push a message( Hope this will give you successful message).

If you are still unable to resolve the issue ,please paste the tail log error details from SAP HCI.


Sriprasad Shivaram Bhat