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Can we integrate of React framework into SAP UI5 framework


Hello Folks,

I have a requirement of integrating React into SAP UI5 framework. I looked out for various blog but didn't found answer to my queries. I saw many blog of integrating UI5 with react (i.e. UI5 Web Components) and coding in the VS Code. But my requirement is just opposite .i.e. integration of React into the UI5, bringing all react dependencies and libraries into our UI5 framework and start coding into our SAP Web IDE by consuming the api's.

Thanks in advance!


Ravikant Ranjan

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How about extracting the react component as a WebComponent. Then consume it in the UI5 application by dropping the js file and the consuming as if it is a regular HTML tag?

@mariusobert @RaviKant_Ranjan 

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That is a good idea! If you expose it as a web component, the technology behind doesn’t matter.