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Can't start JavaScript external environment in SA17

0 Kudos

As the question says, I'm having trouble starting the NodeJS/JavaScript external environment in SA17.

I'm following the help documentation instructions under "Installing the JavaScript external environment module".

The node executable is at

C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe

The path is in the PATH variable (the 'where' command finds it).

The NODE_PATH points to

C:\\Program Files\\SQL Anywhere 17\\Node;C:\\Users\\twilkinson\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_modules

I've set the external environment with

LOCATION 'C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe';

However, when I try to start the external environment as instructed,

there is a long pause and then
Could not execute statement.
External environment failed to start and establish a connection within
the 45 second timeout
SQLCODE=-1556, ODBC 3 State="HY000"
Line 1, column 1

The system is Windows 7, SQL Anywhere Developer Edition and node v4.2.6. Both node and SA17 are the 64-bit versions.

I assume I'm missing something basic here, but can seem to see it.

Any suggestions?

0 Kudos

Just a wild guess: You possibly have to mask the backslashes in the path, such as

LOCATION 'C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node.exe';

'\\n' is the new line character.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member

Since you are running with the 4.2.6 version of Node.JS you might want to verify this behavior with the latest drivers available from GitHub Support for JS 4.x was added late last year.

If you are running the database server as a Windows Service then you will want to make certain that SYSTEM (or the account the service is running with) has permissions to scan and execute your node directories and binaries.

Do let us know if the symptoms change at all with either of those suggestions.

Thanks to both of you. The problem was indeed related to not having the drivers for node V4.2.6. I reverted my node installation to v0.10.40 and now I can start the external environment and execute JS code.

I don't really want to get into recompiling the drivers for node v4.x - is there anyplace from which the binaries can be downloaded?

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member

Newer drivers (pre-built) are available with either of the next 2 patches that should help.

These appear to be available on the site:

SQLANYW170000P_3-71001031.ZIP EBF 25687: 17.0.0 SP0 PL3 Build 1328 SQLANYW170000P_4-71001031.ZIP EBF 25692: 17.0.0 SP0 PL4 Build 1358

0 Kudos

Thanks. I'm using the Developer Edition, so I'll have to wait for the next update there (currently I think it is still

0 Kudos

To increase your "happy anticipation", here's what the "Node\\sqlanywhere_jsextenv\\bin64" directory looks in my case:

alt text

0 Kudos

Can't wait !!! 🙂