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Can't connect to Sybase12 database

Former Member

I have installed iAnywhere12 on my PC and on my windows mobile Device(With windows Mobile6.1). I opened up Sybase Central(12) and have created a Db named "test.db" with just 1 column "mynum" as decimal(With default uid="DBA", PWD="sql"). Now in my VS VB code, I have a connection to this Sybase DB. But I ca't connect to it in any way. I put the test.db in my Mobile folder: \\Storage Card\\CMDATA\\PRODtestdb.db and I have dbsrv12.exe in my mobile folder \\Program Files\\SQLAny12\\dbsrv12.exe.

------The VB code

Imports iAnywhere.Data.SQLAnywhere

Private Const CONNECTION_TIMEOUT As Integer = 60
Private Const DBSERVER_EXE As String = "\\Program Files\\SQLAny12\\dbsrv12.exe"
Private Const CASEMAN_DB_FILE As String = "\\Storage Card\\CMDATA\\PROD\\test.db"

Dim connection As New SAConnection
Dim userId As String = "DBA" 
Dim password As String = "sql"
Dim connectionString As String = String.Format("UID={0};PWD={1};DBF={2};Connect Timeout={3};START= {4} -q -ga", userId, password, CASEMAN_DB_FILE, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, DBSERVER_EXE)

connection = New SAConnection(connectionString)


Its crushing when trying to connect. I saw dbsrv12.exe is running but can't connect to the test.db file. Why I removed the uid and pass word and tried and did not work:
Dim connectionString As String = String.Format("DBF={0};START= {1}", CASEMAN_DB_FILE, DBSERVER_EXE)
connection = New SAConnection(connectionString)
-----Crushing here

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