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Can not use replication flows to replicate CDS Views from S4HANA OP to Datasphere


Hi all,
I want to replicate CDS Views from S/4HANA On Premise to Datapshere using Replication Flows but I get this error while trying to import the CDS Views "Getting dataset definition failed for <the path to cds view>"
CDS error.png
I have checked the relevant SAP Notes but could not figure out what the problem is.
In the CDS Views, there is also these annotations specified


dataCategory: #DIMENSION,

dataExtraction: {

enabled: true,

delta.changeDataCapture: {

automatic : true


Appreciate help from everyone in the community. Thank you!

@tobias_koebler @DanielKraemer @VinayBhatt 
I have seen the articles from you guys, maybe you can help here...? Many thanks!


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Hi @sophie2024,

There might be something going on in the S/4HANA systems, maybe some SAP Notes need to be applied, etc. You can check the S/4HANA backend and see if there are any clues for the error you are getting. Second, have you tried the same CDS view with a data flow?


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Hi Sophie, could you please provide the CDS view you are trying ? (seems like a standard CDS view).