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Can not use replication flows to replicate CDS Views from S4HANA OP to Datasphere


Hi all,
I want to replicate CDS Views from S/4HANA On Premise to Datapshere using Replication Flows but I get this error while trying to import the CDS Views "Getting dataset definition failed for <the path to cds view>"
CDS error.png
I have checked the relevant SAP Notes but could not figure out what the problem is.
In the CDS Views, there is also these annotations specified


dataCategory: #DIMENSION,

dataExtraction: {

enabled: true,

delta.changeDataCapture: {

automatic : true


Appreciate help from everyone in the community. Thank you!

@tobias_koebler @DanielKraemer @VinayBhatt 
I have seen the articles from you guys, maybe you can help here...? Many thanks!


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Hello @sophie2024 

unfortunately you don't write if you have checked and implemented all the notes in SE38 program: CNV_NOTE_ANALYZER_DI  (see:

This is really vital... since there have been so many notes for Replication Flows during the year 2023, until Jun. 2024. The bad thing is, SAP does not really communicate this pro-actively 😪 There should be regular messages in Datasphere, just like when there are new functions...

I try to keep my affected S4 system always up-to-date and luckily found no issues during the last months.

BR, Martin