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Can I implement sps05, 06 and 07 together?

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My current configuration is SM 7.1 sps04, can I implement sps05, 06 and 07 together?

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Yes it is possible to upgrade to Sp7 directly from SP4.

Note 1577909 mentions you should use SUM for such SPS

upgrade using XML.

3. Update of SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SR1 (installation)



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Why would I use SUM, this is not the initial installation and then upgrade to SPS7. I'm currently at SPS4, after updating the kernel and SPAM I should be able to just combine SPS5,6 and 7 and import with SPAM right?

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You can also use SPAM to update the SP stack level from SPS04 to SPS07.

Transaction SPAM is specifically designed for applying SP stacks

however and is still available for support package


According to note 1626284, SUM is the correct tool for import support

packages. this is also mentioned in note 1302772.



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Darrell Kirklen wrote:

Why would I use SUM, this is not the initial installation and then upgrade to SPS7. I'm currently at SPS4, after updating the kernel and SPAM I should be able to just combine SPS5,6 and 7 and import with SPAM right?

1 In all the support pack upgrade you can install as stack ( means sp04,sp05,sp06 at a time).

2. normal sp upgrade cases, spam is used for ABAP stack upgrade and JSPM used for Java stack.

3. From netweaver 7.3 onwards JSPM replaced by SUM, spam is still available. but SUM is best, SUM supports all release upgrade, sp upgrade also for ehp upgrade.

The idea behind is, no need to use 2 separate tool (SPAM and JSPM) for upgrade sap netweaver, use one single tool SUM. And also SUM has latest zero downtime tech and other advantages,

I could suggest you use SUM.

for how to use tool SUM check the guide

