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Calling Integration Suite ODATA APIs from ODATA Receiver

0 Kudos

I need some help in setting up the ODATA receiver channel to call some of the Integration Suite APIs (Partner Directory / Message Stores / Message Logs).  So if I take the Message Stores ODATA API for example...I have been able to successfully call this from Postman using the following URL


passing the token and authenticating with OATH 2.  When I call this from Postman I get a successful response containing XML data listing all the entries in "myDataStore".

However, when I try to call the same from the ODATA receiver, I am getting this error...

"An exception of type 'WstxUnexpectedCharException' occurred." ...

when trying to configure the connection in the receiver channel.  Here's the screenshot of the error.


I am using these credentials of type Oath 2 Client Credentials ...


Here's the config for the receiver channel...


I have tried playing around with setting headers and metadata request headers with no success.  I am not sure if this is the issue or if it is because of the credentials type that I am using.  Has someone done this already and if so, wat do I need to change to get this working?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Sean,

There were few community iflows that were recently published which actually use a lot of these Integration Suite APIs. OData receiver adapter is used along with OAUTH2 credentials. This data is later used for generating alerts via ANS. The first part of extraction of data from Integration Suite is pretty much exactly what you are trying to achieve. May be have a look at these iflows and try to a



Configuration Guide -

Reference -

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