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Calling a BAPI in Webdynpro which takes no parameter

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi all,

I am new to WebDynpro, I am trying to implement data access to R/3 with a BAPI. The bapi takes no imports, it consists of a method(Zbapicon) which retrieves the table data, the table data is to be displayed dynamically. And how to change the properties of UI element programmatically (example setting a field readonly, making it mandatory etc). Please post the solution, the appropriate solution is rewarded

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Krishna

Please once go through these tutorials. You ll gain fair deal of knowledge

<a href="">accessing ABAP Functions in Web Dynpro (4)</a>

<a href="">handling Transactions with BAPIs in Web Dynpro (5)</a>

<a href="">dynamic Programming of Web Dynpro Applications (17)</a>



Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Konchada,

To set field as read only/mandatory..U can DECLARE

A component CONTEXT ELEMENT and u have to bind that context variable into corresponding property of that Ui Element.[ex: Cretate Context called STATE and datatype as THE TYPE OF UI-ELEMENT STATE property and bind this with that coresponding field's STATE Property ]and write ur code such a way to change the context value..


