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Call a released oData service from a RAP BO behavior definition

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Is it possible to call an odata service from a RAP BO action/save to read/update data in case there are no released RAP BO available to achieve clean core?

I have been following the link below and I was able to successfully call the odata service from a console application in ADT. However, whenever I am trying to call it from a RAP BO action, I am getting some errors which I don't know how to interpret.



My code:



  METHOD read.
    DATA: lt_bp            TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zscm_businesspartner=>tys_a_address_email_address_ty,
          lo_client_proxy  TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_cp_client_proxy,
          lo_read_request  TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_cp_request_read_list,
          lo_read_response TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_cp_response_read_lst.
    DATA lv_relative_service_root TYPE string.


            client = DATA(lo_http_client)
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          out->write( 'error create by http destination' ).
        lv_relative_service_root = '/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_BUSINESS_PARTNER/'.
        "oData v4 remote proxy
        lo_client_proxy = /iwbep/cl_cp_client_proxy_fact=>create_v2_remote_proxy(
           io_http_client = lo_http_client
           is_proxy_model_key = VALUE #( repository_id       = /iwbep/if_cp_registry_types=>gcs_repository_id-default
                                         proxy_model_id      = to_upper( 'ZSCM_BUSINESSPARTNER' )
                                         proxy_model_version = 0001 )
           iv_relative_service_root = lv_relative_service_root ).

        lo_read_request = lo_client_proxy->create_resource_for_entity_set( 'A_ADDRESS_EMAIL_ADDRESS' )->create_request_for_read( ).
        lo_read_request->set_top( iv_top = 10 ).
        lo_read_response = lo_read_request->execute( ).

        "Retrieve the business data
        lo_read_response->get_business_data( IMPORTING et_business_data = lt_bp ).

        LOOP AT lt_bp INTO DATA(ls_bp).
          out->write( ls_bp ).
      CATCH /iwbep/cx_cp_remote INTO DATA(lx_cp_remote).
        " Error handling
        out->write( lx_cp_remote->get_longtext( ) ).
      CATCH /iwbep/cx_gateway INTO DATA(lx_gateway).
        " Error Handling
        out->write( lx_gateway->get_longtext( ) ).




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I found a workaround for this for odata v2, which is by using a local proxy instead. This is not Tier 1. The clean Tier 1 approach is using a service consumption model, however, it is only available for public cloud/BTP ABAP environment.



Active Participant
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Hi Rammel. I got a bit lost here. If you are not working on S/4 HANA Cloud Public neither BTP, then that means are free to read information using SELECT to a database or even using BAPIs. Why you need an Odata Service?
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Hi @DiegoValdivia, the goal is to try to use "released objects/APIs" as much as possible to be upgrade safe. In this scenario, if ever there is a data that we need to access and for that data there is no released CDS view/RAP BO, we are trying to check whether we can call a released remote API/odata instead of reading the data directly from a standard database table or using unreleased BAPIs which is not considered Tier 1. However, after doing this POC, I noticed that even using the local odata proxy is not Tier 1 since the class to instantiate the local proxy is also unreleased. So we may need to change our strategy and create a custom CDS view/class for extracting the data and release it to cloud (Tier 2) so that we can access it from Tier 1 objects.