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Calculating Conversion Rate between Main/Subreport Data

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Hope you can help with this. I have a main report that lists a number of packs sent out to categories in a period by a specific consultant:-

Category 1 57

Category 2 48

This is sorted in descending order with the highest number of packs sent first.

I have created a sub-report that contains information on deals confirmed by category by consultant and have managed to link the subreport to the main report by the date period, the appropriate consultant and the category name. The subreport is parallel to the category group footer that determines the counts shown above. This is working fine. My report now looks like the below:-

Category 1 57 5 £480.00

Category 2 48 1 £125.00

Where the third column is the number of deals confirmed for the category and the deal average value for those deals.

However, I need to show a total of the Deals Confirmed and the Total Average Value, I also need to show a conversion rate % in another column on the end i.e. 5 Confirmed Deals out of 57 Packs sent is a conversion rate of 8.77%.

Q1 How do I total up the sub-report figures onto the main report?

Q2 How do I should a conversionh rate based on a figure from the main report and a figure from the subreport?

Hope someone can assist with this.

Many Thanks

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Former Member
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thanks for assistance.

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You can pass data from the subreport to the main report as shared variables.

Declare the shared variale in the subreport and give it the value you want to pass to the container report. Note the shared vaiable must be in the section visable in the container report. Do not suppress it though you can conceal it by making it small set text to white..

Then declare the shared variable again in the container report and place it in the container report AFTER the subreport's shared variable.

Here is more infomation on shared variables:


You can find others by searching for shared variables on this forum.

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Thanks Debi,

I have managed to get the conversion rate working with shared variables, however, it is showing on a line below as I have to calculate this AFTER the subreport. My subreport is actually on the same line as the main report group summary. Any idea how I can get the conversion on the same line.

Also, how do I show a sum of the subreport deal count and the deal average on the main report.

Ideally each line should look like the following, with totals:-

Taxis 50 Packs Sent 25 Deals £200.00 Avg £ 50% Conversion

Florist 25 Packs Sent 5 Deals £100.00 Avg £ 20% Conversion



Totals 75 Packs Sent 30 Deals £300 Avg £

The Packs Sent total is on the main report and is OK, however the Total Deals & Average Value are on the subreport BUT i need the total to appear on the main report next to the other total.

My current report looks more like

Taxis 50 25 £200



Florist 25 5 £100



It is not very pleasing on the eye and has no totals?

Former Member
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Make the sharied variable very very small in the subreport as well as the sectuion it is in.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Sorry Debi,

I must be not thinking straight today but I don't understand what you mean by making the field very very small. I need the conversion % to show on the report in the same font etc BUT on the same line. If I shrink it how is the data going to be displayed?

Former Member
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Display the container report's variable.

Make the subreport's variable very small and the section it is in very small. Make the variable have white font. The section will just be a narrow apparently empty section before the section in the container report that has the container report's shared variable to meet the whilepringrecords requirement.

Former Member
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I have been off a few days and need to pick this up again. Unfortunately it is not working. I will try to explain how this is setup currently and what I need.

@Reset (in Subreport Report Header)


shared numbervar SubCount := 0;

@Eval (in Subreport Group Footer #2)


shared numbervar SubCount := Count({table.field})

@Calc (in Main Report Group Footer #1b)


(shared numbervar SubCount / Count ({table.field}) * 100

Two problems with the above,

1) The Conversion Calculation (@Calc) is showing on the line below the rest of the information.

2) I cannot get the subreport to total onto the main report.

Main Report Setup:-

Group Header #1 (Suppressed)

Details (Suppressed)

Group Footer #1a is made up of the following along the row:- Group #1 Name, SubTotal, Subreport

Group Footer #1b has @Calc at the end.

However I need the @Calc to be on the same line as the subreport (groupfooter 1a) but it doesn't calculate next to the subreport.