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C# Proxy Classes from SAP WSDL files

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We are trying to generate proxy classes for SAP eSOA web services using C# and Visual Studio 2005.

When we try to run Microsoft's proxy class generation utility, WSDL.exe, errors are generated that attribute incorrect syntax to the SAP WSDL file:

> Microsoft (R) Web Services Description Language Utility [Microsoft (R)

> .NET Framework, Version 2.0.50727.42] Copyright (C) Microsoft

> Corporation. All rights reserved.

> Warning: This web reference does not conform to WS-I Basic Profile v1.1.

> R2028, R2029: A DESCRIPTION using the WSDL namespace and the WSDL SOAP

> binding n amespace MUST be valid according to the XML Schemas found at

> http://schemas.xmls and

> xsd.

> - Warning: The element 'definitions' in namespace

> ' /wsdl/' has invalid child element 'properties' in namespace 'urn:com-sap:ifr:v2:

> wsdl'. List of possible elements expected: 'import, types, message,

> portType, bi nding, service' in namespace

> ''. Line 1748, posi tion 4.


> SOAP 1.1 binding was not found: WS-I's Basic Profile 1.1 consists of

> implementat ion guidelines that recommend how a set of core Web

> services specifications shou ld be used together to develop

> interoperable Web services. For the 1.1 Profile, those specifications are SOAP 1.1, WSDL 1.1, UDDI 2.0, XML 1.0 and XML Schema.


> For more details on the WS-I Basic Profile v1.1, see the specification

> at

The WSDL file is obtained from the SAP ES Workplace, from the following URL:

We have already tried both SAP files available from this location; neither works.

Any insight you can offer to help us generate these proxy classes is welcome. Note that the SAP PDF file, "ESOA-Roadmap-Workshop.PDF" talks about one syntactic incompatibility with Microsoft WSDL (on page 70), but this solution does not work, and indeed the token 'parameters' does not appear anywhere in either SAP WSDL file for Create Maintenance Request eSOA.

Thanks for any help you can offer!

-- Julian Mensch

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i know your problems, but after try the following SAP tool the services works for me inside C#

SAP Enterprise Services Explorer for Microsoft .NET

I hope this helps.
