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Bug !? Date selector picks up the wrong Date

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I developed a Web Dynpro application which also have a imput field. The context that is mapped to it is a Date type. Sofar everything is ok. If I either select a date or enter it manually the date is shown right in the Inputfield. But as I want to get the Context like:

pStartDateOrig = wdContext.currentContextElement().getCtx_startDate();

, the Value is wrong. When I entered i.e. 07/25/2005, the debug mode shows me a value of 07-24-2005. That value is than stored wrong during the further processing. That bug does not appear permanently. Have anyone an idea? Is that a known bug. Any comments are welcome.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Hi Andreas,

Everything works fine for me but i don't know why its not setting the correct date into ur xml file.can't u pass the value from the textview that shows u the correct date value?It should be andreas...........



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Hi Nagarajan

Thanks for your help. Yes I know it should pick up the right context, instead of counting one day of. The thing is there must be a bug in the get(Context). Because if you select a date, doesn't matter what, it is definately not the old context, but the new with one day earlier. I found a workaround what is not the right way to do, but for me it works. I now do not get the context, no, I get the value from the gui element, like:

startDateField = (IWDInputField) view.getElement("input_PStart");
  String startDateValue = startDateField.getValue();

That Value as String is the value that you see when selecting a date.

i.E I select 11/30/2005

the input field shows 11/30/2005

the value of the IWDInputField is : 11/30/2005

but the context that is mapped is : 11/29/2005

- And I don't do any process with the context, just mapped ! -

Anyway I hat a lot of struggles with that format that SAP use. IGS (Gantchart) wants the date in the form yyyyMMdd, instead MM/dd/yyyy. toString makes dd/MM/yyyy out of it so it is all mixed up within the wed dynpro framework.

My workaround works now and costs me nearly a day. Thanks a thousand times for your help, I really appreciate that. I will raise a OSS note and hope SAP will fix it. I will keep you informed and send you the Note number soon.

Regards, Normen

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HI Andreas,

Thank u.Hope now everything goes on fine.



Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
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Hi Andreas,

This should work properly,ok fine let us try step by step

1)create an input field and bind the contextatt to the i/p field.

2)create a text view and bind a context att to its text prop.

3) Implementation.


Date x=wdContext.currentcontextelement.get(i/pfield cont att);

wdContext.currentcontextelement.<b>set(textviewcont att);</b>

Last post for setting i gave u the same i/p field context itself.sorry yar.

HOpe this works fine.



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Strange. The textview context is than set with the inputfield context within the wddoModifyView Method. So the textview element got the right date. But when I debug my code the context of the inputfield is still one day earlier. Why? Do you have any Idea how to solve it?

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It puzzles me yar,I worked here to find out what is wrong.But everything is successful for what might be the problem??????????why do u give this in the WDdomodifyview. Instead of that try adding a button and write the code inside the onaction of the button method to c how it gets displayed.

Don give up man try this for the last time it should be working.

If it is successful do tell me.



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Ok Mate

I tried it out. I put it into the save method that is triggered, when I push the save button.

 Date theDate = wdContext.currentContextElement().getCtx_startDate();

Ctx_startDate is the date context that is read. DynamicDate is the context of the textview. Both are of the type Date.

I selected 07/30/2005

During debugging:

wdContext.currentContextElement().getCtx_startDate(); = 07/29/2005

theDate = 07/29/2005

the date that is saved in my xml file is 07/29/2005 but the textview that is bound to the DynamicDate should also be like the debugg value 07/29/2005 but it is 07/30/2005.

What is going on?

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Thanks in advance a thousand times for your efforts mate

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r u storing the date value in the xml file?what to do?we have tried every possibilities .may be the last one is try storing it on the dB directly and c or else move the value from one view to another view text element and c.

The problem comes only when u move the date value from one end to the other.confusing.Reward points if its success .

Do reply trying this.



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I collect the data from the inputfields and create a xml document, store it in KM. The costumer does not want a databasetable. But that is not the issue. When debugging the getContext gets a value that is one day less. the getter Method of SAP is the issue.... I gues

Regards, Normen

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or else try to get the system date directly and store it.for getting the systemdate the query is getdate().

Atleast this is the least possibility we can try now.



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I can not follow you? I do not want to have the current date. The User should pick a start, end and golive date of a project. So I need to get the context of the inputField..

Regards, Normen

Former Member
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Hi Andreas,

get the date in the input field,by selecting it from the automatic date selection itself and try to print it in the textview and c whether the entered date is correct or not.

the variable should not be string it should be date.

<b>Date</b> x=wdContext.currentcontextElement.get(contextatt);


Hope this helps u.



Remember to import;

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Hi Nagarajan

The code is like the following:

static Date pStartDateOrig = null;
pStartDateOrig = wdContext.currentContextElement().getCtx_startDate();

Ctx_startDate is the Context Element of the Type Date. So that should be ok. In order to get the Date selector I had to map the input field with that context element of the type date. As I select the Date with the selector (not typing manually), it is still the wrong date, one day less of the selected date.

I created a textview and mapped it also to that content, as you said. But it only shows you the initial content. Once you select a date, the textview isn't refreshed.

I also tried your method like :

Date startDate = wdContext.currentContextElement().getCtx_startDate();

Which is unfortunately does not work. But what should it do? it gets the value of context and writes it again into it, or did I missunderstand your tip. Thanks, Andi