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BSP / Web-Dynpro (Java / Abap) what to use in this case ?

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Hi all,

i have some questions about all this BSP/Web-Dynpro stuff. We have an application (for health care written in Visual Studio) out there at our customers. Some of these customers are using SAP as their backend system. So we've writte some backend functionality (a cash processing, additional reports, a special invoice system etc.etc.) in Abap and Abap-Objects. Actually we are planing a new release for this backend stuff which is using the normal SAP Gui.

Maybe we plan for the next release to convert our app to a Web based app and we discuss what SAP technology we should use for that.

Here are my questions :

- When and why should we use Web-Dynpro (Java) ?

- Can't we use BSP ?

- Is there any future for BSP ?

- When will Web-Dynpro for ABAP be released (actually we are not a Java Shop so Abap is prefered)?

Hope someone can answer my question.



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If you don't mind, I am going to terminate discussion of Web Dynpro ABAP here. It is not that I want to, but we are in a difficult position with this development, and can not really discuss it too much.

But, let me first make a few (last) comments:

(*) BSP is available since WebAS 610 (which is now nearly at the end of its lifetime). WebAS 620 is the main platform out there, with NW04 (WebAS 640) now shipping, and the next product is inevitably coming. If you keep in mind that SAP supports each release at least 7 years, and we will be shipping BSP in an upcoming release, you can see that with BSP you are not going to left stranded for many years to come.

(*) Web Dynpro Java is out and shipping. A very nice development environment. You can build nice things with it.

(*) Web Dynpro ABAP: it will become a very nice product as well. We should know :). But, it will definitely not ship on NW04 platform. Which unfortunately means the next great NW shipment (both naming and date is not available).

From our experience, most people seem to make their decisions based on the available Java versus ABAP skills in the shop. However, the other factor to look at is also "pixel perfect" rendering. Only with BSP can you influence the rendering. Web Dynpro is more a development platform for business applications, and as such they must conform to the designated model/concepts, etc.


Former Member
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Hello all !

Would I be wrong if I said that BSP is only possible from ABAP Kernel 6.10 or further ?

Consequently, nothing else but WebDynpro if you want to manage ABAP 4.6 versions from web pages.

Please correct me if I'm wrong. I am a beginner.


Best regards.

Sébastien J.

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You can use WebAS as frontend for what's available at your existant 4.6. You call the FMs on 4.6 via RFCs and do all the "presentation" stuff on a WebAS with BSP or Web Dynpro. This way is also save since you don't have to expose your 4.6 to the internet.

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First at all, tell us your SAPWAS platform... Beginning from WAS 620 you can use BSPs. In WAS 630 there you have also the WebDynpro technology.

So if for example you are running SAP WAS 620 you will have to develop your front-end only with BSPs.

The webdynpro technology is component oriented (like the standard abap dynpro technology) and the business server pages technology is "page" oriented. Also if you are planning to develop with WebDynpro your programmers team must know Java, with BSPs there it is not necessary to know Java (but is important to know JavaScript)...

Then as I know BSP technology will be supported by SAP in future SAPWAS releases...

So as you are not "Java Shop" I recommend you to start your developments with BSPs... then you will have time to migrate them to webdynpros - The job dignifies! -

Best regards


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Hi, Everything depends also if you have NW 04 already. If not the choice is made -> BSP. If you don't have Jave skills yet -> BSP. If you can answer positive on both questions, it's up to you. BSP aren't indeed dead yet. The future's bright.

Former Member
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Hi all,

we plan to write our next release for WAS >= 6.30.

So we have 3 choices :


- Web-Dynpro (Java)

- Web-Dynpro (Abap)

Anyone any informations about Web-Dynpro for Abap ? I saw some stuff at the Teched and was impressed about it.

If it comes with let me say NW 05 this will be our choice. If not puuuuuuhhhhhhhh.....


Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
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I haven't seem much information on WebDynpro for ABAP besides what was at TechEd. Many of the tools are present in WebAS 640. In Stack 9 you could even get quite far into creating a WebDynpro before you get errors. However I saw an OSS note the other day that looks like in Stack 10 SAP comments out much of the WebDynpro runtime coding.

What I saw of WebDynpro in our WebAS 640 system is quite impressive. Keep in mind that WebDynpro (Java and ABAP) are a meta-data designer type tool set. You can't (by design) get in there and create our own HTML or JavaScript coding. If you want that kind of control and freedom, you probably want to stick with BSP.

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The impresive demo of WebDynpro for ABAP at Teched (so we have been in the same room without knowing each other;-)) was indeed the last thing that I saw on this. We have stack 10 since yesterday, but I don't see much of it in SE80. Unless it's started otherwise?

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
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By stack 10 is fairly well hidden and disabled. If you try to execute a WebDynpro you get the following message:

Sorry, but WebDynpro ABAP was removed (Note 774655)

Please note that WebDynpro ABAP was not released for WebAS 6.40

In SP9 you could still create a WebDynpro in the editor. You went to SE80 and choose Other Object (Shift+F5). From the Web Objects Tab you can see Web Dynpro Component and Web Dynpro Application. IN SP10 I can still bring up an application and edit it. However when you try to edit the layout, you just get JavaScript errors.

I understand that SAP didn't want people using WebDynpro until it was released. I can respect that. However in SP9 it was nice that we could play with it to get a feel for how it was going to work. I had actually taken one of the Java WebDynpro tutorials and recreated it in ABAP WebDynpro. I hope that at some point ABAP WebDynpro is reactivated and released for 640, but it looks like we might have to wait until 700 for it.

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I see it's indeed far from ready. Everything is stil in German to name a thing.