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BSP- Refresh button reloading first page in table

Former Member
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Dear all,

After upgrade to 750 release SP08. One of BSP applications was adjusted to Design2002+Design2008. One of the buttons 'Refresh' in the table is to clear and reload all data for that page, however after upgrade if on different page Refresh button is taking back to the 1st page of the table.

Checked different examples of multi select(SBSPEXT_HTMLB) from the standard library but none of them had these. Eg. Button.bsp

Layout uses, Button tag 'doRefresh'. Event handler On Manipulation event is triggered successfully. However, instead of staying on the same page within multipage table, the application is loading first page.

Properties: Application is marked as 'Unchanged' in the status field.

Layout code:

<htmlb:button id = "REFRESH"
text = "Refresh"
onClick = "doRefresh"

Thanks in advance.


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Only Design2008 is supported, so please delete the Design2002 from it and retest it.