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BRF+ cause an RABAX_STATE error

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I try to run BRF+ on my SAP Netwaver 7.02 EH 2 Installation. If I try to open the BRFPLUS transaction I get this one:

I am new to SAP and I have really no idea what's the problem here.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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You should find a corresponding shortdump in ST22 (I think that's all RABAX_STATE means). That might give some clues as to the underlying problem. If you can't make sense of it, post some of it (not all of it - short is somewhat of a misnomer:-) here - the first few sections are usually the most helpful, at least initially.


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I don't know what to copy, but I found via ST22 the line causing the issue.

Former Member
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I followed the instructions here:

Now, I can login but with another error

Former Member
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I did it! I addtionally deleted an entry (something like SAPOSS) from Secure Storage. Finally it works. Maybe one day I will know what I did here ... goog old trial an error

Former Member
0 Kudos

Excellent! That's fixed my problem also! Thank you

Mark your first answer above as the correct answer - you deserve the points!


Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Sorry - I've just noticed that this is on an NSP system, and that the problem is an RFC problem. I have exactly the same issue, although in a different context (workflow rather than BRF), with my own NSP system. At the moment I have no idea of the cause.

The fundamental problem is that the RFC destination isn't working. In both of our contexts SAP is using RFC to connect back to itself. It isn't a user or password issue, at least in my case. Everything about the RFC connection looks right to me, but a connection test in SM59 simply fails. I only encountered this yesterday, and at the moment I'm baffled.

I'm pretty sure, though, that you are having the same problem, and that is is nothing to do with BRF. Get the RFC destination working and the problem will go away.

If anyone has any suggestions for solving this problem of RFC communication in NSP, do let us know!


0 Kudos

Hi Benjamin,

Seems that BCUSER at 001 client hasn't the correct password.

Check if this user is not blocked due incorrect logons.
