on 2009 Nov 17 6:31 AM
I have just started a backup of Redolog files with the attached
initGSD.sap file and getting the following error message:
16.11.2009 15:28:34 Job started
16.11.2009 15:28:34 Step 001 started (program
RSDBAJOB, variant &0000000000002, user ID ABDUL)
16.11.2009 15:28:34 Execute logical command BRARCHIVE
16.11.2009 15:28:34 Parameters:-u / -jid
LOG__20091116152834 -c force -p initGSD.sap -cds -v /DEV/FLASHDRIVE0
16.11.2009 15:28:35 BR0002I BRARCHIVE 7.00 (43)
16.11.2009 15:28:35 BR0157E Value '/DEV/FLASHDRIVE0'
of option '-v' longer than 10 characters
16.11.2009 15:28:35
16.11.2009 15:28:35 BR0007I End of offline redo log
processing: aebxrrlr.log 2009-11-16 15.28.35
16.11.2009 15:28:35 BR0280I BRARCHIVE time stamp:
2009-11-16 15.28.35
16.11.2009 15:28:35 BR0005I BRARCHIVE terminated with
16.11.2009 15:28:35 External program terminated with
exit code 3
16.11.2009 15:28:35 BRARCHIVE returned error status E
16.11.2009 15:28:35 Job finished
The destination I am using for storing backups is a USB drive connected
to an Unix system. The USB (/dev/flashdrive0) is not yet mounted, but can be accessed for read / write.
Please advise me on the config of the initSID.sap file as well. I have just changed the backup destination to /dev/flashdrive0 and nothing more.
Following is my initSID.sap file:
backup mode [all | all_data | full | incr | sap_dir | ora_dir
| all_dir | <tablespace_name> | <file_id> | <file_id1>-<file_id2>
| <generic_path> | (<object_list>)]
default: all
backup_mode = all
restore mode [all | all_data | full | incr | incr_only | incr_full
| incr_all | <tablespace_name> | <file_id> | <file_id1>-<file_id2>
| <generic_path> | (<object_list>) | partial | non_db
redirection with '=' is not supported here - use option '-m' instead
default: all
restore_mode = all
backup type [offline | offline_force | offline_standby | offline_split
| offline_mirror | offline_stop | online | online_cons | online_split
| online_mirror | online_standby | offstby_split | offstby_mirror
default: offline
backup_type = offline
backup device type
[tape | tape_auto | tape_box | pipe | pipe_auto | pipe_box | disk
| disk_copy | disk_standby | stage | stage_copy | stage_standby
| util_file | util_file_online | rman_util | rman_disk | rman_stage
| rman_prep]
default: tape
backup_dev_type = disk
backup root directory [<path_name> | (<path_name_list>)]
default: $SAPDATA_HOME/sapbackup
backup_root_dir = /dev/flashdrive0
stage root directory [<path_name> | (<path_name_list>)]
default: value of the backup_root_dir parameter
stage_root_dir = /dev/flashdrive0
compression flag [no | yes | hardware | only]
default: no
compress = no
compress command
first $-character is replaced by the source file name
second $-character is replaced by the target file name
<target_file_name> = <source_file_name>.Z
for compress command the -c option must be set
recommended setting for brbackup -k only run:
"compress -b 12 -c $ > $"
no default
compress_cmd = "compress -c $ > $"
uncompress command
first $-character is replaced by the source file name
second $-character is replaced by the target file name
<source_file_name> = <target_file_name>.Z
for uncompress command the -c option must be set
no default
uncompress_cmd = "uncompress -c $ > $"
directory for compression [<path_name> | (<path_name_list>)]
default: value of the backup_root_dir parameter
compress_dir = /oracle/GSD/sapreorg
brarchive function [save | second_copy | double_save | save_delete
| second_copy_delete | double_save_delete | copy_save
| copy_delete_save | delete_saved | delete_copied]
default: save
archive_function = save
directory for archive log copies to disk
default: first value of the backup_root_dir parameter
archive_copy_dir = /dev/flashdrive0
directory for archive log copies to stage
default: first value of the stage_root_dir parameter
archive_stage_dir = /dev/flashdrive0
delete archive logs from duplex destination [only | no | yes | check]
default: only
archive_dupl_del = only
new sapdata home directory for disk_copy | disk_standby
no default
new_db_home = /oracle/C11
stage sapdata home directory for stage_copy | stage_standby
default: value of the new_db_home parameter
stage_db_home = /oracle/C11
original sapdata home directory for split mirror disk backup
no default
orig_db_home = /oracle/C11
remote host name
no default
remote_host = <host_name>
remote user name
default: current operating system user
remote_user = <user_name>
tape copy command [cpio | cpio_gnu | dd | dd_gnu | rman | rman_gnu
| rman_dd | rman_dd_gnu]
default: cpio
tape_copy_cmd = cpio
disk copy command [copy | copy_gnu | dd | dd_gnu | rman | rman_gnu
| rman_set | rman_set_gnu | ocopy]
default: copy
disk_copy_cmd = copy
stage copy command [rcp | scp | ftp]
default: rcp
stage_copy_cmd = rcp
pipe copy command [rsh | ssh]
default: rsh
pipe_copy_cmd = rsh
flags for cpio output command
default: -ovB
cpio_flags = -ovB
flags for cpio input command
default: -iuvB
cpio_in_flags = -iuvB
flags for cpio command for copy of directories to disk
default: -pdcu
use flags -pdu for gnu tools
cpio_disk_flags = -pdcu
flags for dd output command
default: "obs=16k"
recommended setting:
Unix: "obs=nk bs=nk", example: "obs=64k bs=64k"
Windows: "bs=nk", example: "bs=64k"
dd_flags = "obs=64k bs=64k"
flags for dd input command
default: "ibs=16k"
recommended setting:
Unix: "ibs=nk bs=nk", example: "ibs=64k bs=64k"
Windows: "bs=nk", example: "bs=64k"
dd_in_flags = "ibs=64k bs=64k"
number of members in RMAN save sets [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | tsp | all ]
default: 1
saveset_members = 1
additional parameters for RMAN
rman_channels and rman_filesperset are only used when rman_util,
rman_disk or rman_stage
rman_channels defines the number of parallel sbt channel allocations
rman_filesperset = 0 means:
one file per save set - for non-incremental backups
all files in one save set - for incremental backups
the others have the same meaning as for native RMAN
rman_channels = 1
rman_filesperset = 0
rman_maxpiecesize = 0 # in KB - former name rman_kbytes
rman_rate = 0 # in KB - former name rman_readrate
rman_maxopenfiles = 0
rman_maxsetsize = 0 # in KB - former name rman_setsize
additional parameters for RMAN version 8.1
the parameters have the same meaning as for native RMAN
rman_diskratio = 0 # deprecated in Oracle 10g
rman_pool = 0
rman_copies = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 # former name rman_duplex
rman_proxy = no | yes | only
special parameters for an external backup library, example:
rman_send = "'<command>'"
rman_send = ("channel sbt_1 '<command1>' parms='<parameters1>'",
"channel sbt_2 '<command2>' parms='<parameters2>'")
rman_compress = no | yes
rman_maxcorrupt = (<dbf_name>|<dbf_id>:<corr_cnt>, ...)
remote copy-out command (backup_dev_type = pipe)
$-character is replaced by current device address
no default
copy_out_cmd = "dd ibs=8k obs=64k of=$"
remote copy-in command (backup_dev_type = pipe)
$-character is replaced by current device address
no default
copy_in_cmd = "dd ibs=64k obs=8k if=$"
rewind command
$-character is replaced by current device address
no default
operating system dependent, examples:
HP-UX: "mt -f $ rew"
TRU64: "mt -f $ rewind"
AIX: "tctl -f $ rewind"
Solaris: "mt -f $ rewind"
Windows: "mt -f $ rewind"
Linux: "mt -f $ rewind"
rewind = "tctl -f $ rewind"
rewind and set offline command
$-character is replaced by current device address
default: value of the rewind parameter
operating system dependent, examples:
HP-UX: "mt -f $ offl"
TRU64: "mt -f $ offline"
AIX: "tctl -f $ offline"
Solaris: "mt -f $ offline"
Windows: "mt -f $ offline"
Linux: "mt -f $ offline"
rewind_offline = "tctl -f $ offline"
tape positioning command
first $-character is replaced by current device address
second $-character is replaced by number of files to be skipped
no default
operating system dependent, examples:
HP-UX: "mt -f $ fsf $"
TRU64: "mt -f $ fsf $"
AIX: "tctl -f $ fsf $"
Solaris: "mt -f $ fsf $"
Windows: "mt -f $ fsf $"
Linux: "mt -f $ fsf $"
tape_pos_cmd = "tctl -f $ fsf $"
mount backup volume command in auto loader / juke box
used if backup_dev_type = tape_box | pipe_box
no default
mount_cmd = "<mount_cmd> $ $ $ [$]"
dismount backup volume command in auto loader / juke box
used if backup_dev_type = tape_box | pipe_box
no default
dismount_cmd = "<dismount_cmd> $ $ [$]"
split mirror disks command
used if backup_type = offline_split | online_split | offline_mirror
| online_mirror
no default
split_cmd = "<split_cmd> [$]"
resynchronize mirror disks command
used if backup_type = offline_split | online_split | offline_mirror
| online_mirror
no default
resync_cmd = "<resync_cmd> [$]"
additional options for SPLITINT interface program
no default
split_options = "<split_options>"
resynchronize after backup flag [no | yes]
default: no
split_resync = no
pre-split command
no default
pre_split_cmd = "<pre_split_cmd>"
post-split command
no default
post_split_cmd = "<post_split_cmd>"
pre-shut command
no default
pre_shut_cmd = "<pre_shut_cmd>"
post-shut command
no default
post_shut_cmd = "<post_shut_cmd>"
volume size in KB = K, MB = M or GB = G (backup device dependent)
default: 1200M
recommended values for tape devices without hardware compression:
60 m 4 mm DAT DDS-1 tape: 1200M
90 m 4 mm DAT DDS-1 tape: 1800M
120 m 4 mm DAT DDS-2 tape: 3800M
125 m 4 mm DAT DDS-3 tape: 11000M
112 m 8 mm Video tape: 2000M
112 m 8 mm high density: 4500M
DLT 2000 10/20 GB: 10000M
DLT 2000XT 15/30 GB: 15000M
DLT 4000 20/40 GB: 20000M
DLT 7000 35/70 GB: 35000M
recommended values for tape devices with hardware compression:
60 m 4 mm DAT DDS-1 tape: 1000M
90 m 4 mm DAT DDS-1 tape: 1600M
120 m 4 mm DAT DDS-2 tape: 3600M
125 m 4 mm DAT DDS-3 tape: 10000M
112 m 8 mm Video tape: 1800M
112 m 8 mm high density: 4300M
DLT 2000 10/20 GB: 9000M
DLT 2000XT 15/30 GB: 14000M
DLT 4000 20/40 GB: 18000M
DLT 7000 35/70 GB: 30000M
tape_size = 100G
volume size in KB = K, MB = M or GB = G used by brarchive
default: value of the tape_size parameter
tape_size_arch = 100G
level of parallel execution
default: 0 - set to number of backup devices
exec_parallel = 0
address of backup device without rewind
[<dev_address> | (<dev_address_list>)]
no default
operating system dependent, examples:
HP-UX: /dev/rmt/0mn
TRU64: /dev/nrmt0h
AIX: /dev/rmt0.1
Solaris: /dev/rmt/0mn
Windows: /dev/nmt0
Linux: /dev/nst0
tape_address = /dev/rmt0.1
address of backup device without rewind used by brarchive
default: value of the tape_address parameter
operating system dependent
tape_address_arch = /dev/rmt0.1
address of backup device with rewind
[<dev_address> | (<dev_address_list>)]
no default
operating system dependent, examples:
HP-UX: /dev/rmt/0m
TRU64: /dev/rmt0h
AIX: /dev/rmt0
Solaris: /dev/rmt/0m
Windows: /dev/mt0
Linux: /dev/st0
tape_address_rew = /dev/rmt0
address of backup device with rewind used by brarchive
default: value of the tape_address_rew parameter
operating system dependent
tape_address_rew_arch = /dev/rmt0
address of backup device with control for mount/dismount command
[<dev_address> | (<dev_address_list>)]
default: value of the tape_address_rew parameter
operating system dependent
tape_address_ctl = /dev/...
address of backup device with control for mount/dismount command
used by brarchive
default: value of the tape_address_rew_arch parameter
operating system dependent
tape_address_ctl_arch = /dev/...
volumes for brarchive
[<volume_name> | (<volume_name_list>) | SCRATCH]
no default
volume_archive = (GSDA01, GSDA02, GSDA03, GSDA04, GSDA05,
volumes for brbackup
[<volume_name> | (<volume_name_list>) | SCRATCH]
no default
volume_backup = (GSDB01, GSDB02, GSDB03, GSDB04, GSDB05,
expiration period for backup volumes in days
default: 30
expir_period = 30
recommended usages of backup volumes
default: 100
tape_use_count = 100
Many other parameters are commented out in the default initSID.sap file and I have removed them from this question to keep the message short.
16.11.2009 15:28:34 Parameters:-u / -jid
LOG__20091116152834 -c force -p initGSD.sap -cds -v /DEV/FLASHDRIVE0
You are taking backup on disk. Don't use -v option it is for volume.
Aslo see the below link.
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Can you re-paste above message as readable....
Just send us your query first after that only error messag, not all the content.
*anyways issue looks like related to BRCONNECT
Nick Loy
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