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BO XI/XI R2 vs BO X3 clarification? Creating Univ on BI objects.

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I took some lessons on XI/XI R2 Business objects some time ago.

Now I am ready to delve into BO and as I research, I find much new versions.

1. What is the most recent version of BI, ist it BO X3?

2. Do you know of any document to help me move from XI/XI R2 to the newer version? i.e. an update document or link?

3. When I studied XI/XI R2, the Universes were all created with a relation database (Oracle) as the source of our data.

Now, with this new BO you mentioned in 1) above, how do you create universe for sap BI/BW cubes in Business objects

Can anybody tell me the steps to create universe for SAP BW CUBES from Business objects software.

4. I have access to a BI system at a monthly fee, and they also offer access to BO at a different fee, if I get access to both systems, where to I begin to link the two system?

In addition to links that you may provide, your discussion in plain English on these questions will be greatly appreciated.

I do hear a lot about Xcelsius and Crystal Reports with respect to the discussion of BO X3 although these were never mentioned in my BO X1 R2 discussions. Are Xcelsius and Crystal Reports part of BO now?


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Latest version is SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 SP2 FP 2.7

2. (S-User required)


It was already possible under Rel.2 to access OLAP sources such as BW. But check the guide


Maybe that is technically already done. In the "real lufe" you need the SAP Integration Kit installed and configured (S-User required)



Former Member
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thanks so much!

Unfortunately, with the two links you indicated (S-User required), anc Account and Password was required which I do NOT have.

Any other way of getting those documents?


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yes you need a valid S-User.

If you have a valid Supportcontract with SAP you should have a S-User.

you can try to request one on on the top right of the page. Just click on "Registration"



Former Member
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I am not with any company so they won't give that account, I believe I tried it in the past.

I will wait and see if someone has those documents or their equivalent for me.
