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BO 4.1 SP6 Refresh blocked (Webi)

Former Member
0 Kudos


I have a problem with a client, which uses BO 4.1 SP6.

The anomaly is present on a Webi document, which includes 10 requests, there is also a prompt, which allows you to select a period.

When it is refreshed by the user (1 year period), the update seems to be blocked on the "refreshing data" page (The query is executed on the Oracle database, but the update at BO level is not performed after the end of the execution).

The problem is not present if the browser (IE, Firefox or chrome) is launched in administrator mode.

In addition, there is no problem if the user selects a shorter period (for example 6 months) or if we use the Rich client.

Do you have an idea of the cause of this problem?

Thanks in Advance,

Cros Franck

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Answers (2)

Active Contributor
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So the question is - what is the difference in browser functionality between running it in user mode vs. administrator mode.
My guess it has to do with UAC settings and access to resources.

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It seems issue is with data volume.Check how many records are in the database for 1 year duration.Seems because of data volume report is taking much more time.

Copy the webi report sql and run on database directly and see how much time sql query is taking at database level

other option you can try to schedule the report in BI Launch pad and see how much time report is taking.

Former Member
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Query execution at the database level is not a problem, even over a period of 1 year (about 2 or 3 minutes).

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schedule the same report in BI lauch pad and check the timing.

Former Member
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There is no problem when the document is scheduled.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

it means issue is only with webi rich client?Your BO client and BO server are on same service pack level BI 4.1 SP06?

if data volumne is huge then run the report in structure mode and see.