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Bind Variables Python

Former Member

Is it possible to use Bind variables with Python?

I am using sqlanydb latest release and have tried without success each of the methods mentioned here

my preferred method is pyformat but this raises error:

select something from table where something = %(bindvar)s': b"Syntax error near '%' on line 1"


Sybase docs for bind variables

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Answers (2)

Former Member

You can use the question mark format:

import sqlanydb
conn = sqlanydb.connect(dsn="SQL Anywhere 17 Demo",uid="dba",pwd="sql",charset="utf-8")
sql = "select Surname from GROUPO.Customers where city = ?"
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute(sql, ("Newmarket", ))
>  Phillips
Former Member

This works:

sql = "select something from table where something = :bindvar"

In pandas use the list method:

pd.read_sql(sql, db, params=[bindvar])